Francesco Sblendorio, BBS Retrocampus article cover, Bulletin Board System

BBS from the 80s and 90s... nowadays

In the world of technology, few things evoke nostalgia like Bulletin Board Systems (BBS). Before the advent of the Internet as we know it today, BBSs were the center of the online world for many computer enthusiasts. How many emotions connect to a […]

Varese Retrocomputing 2023, interview 6, article cover, Francesco Sblendorio, ValorosoIT

BBS, Minitel and Videotel in 2023?

Today we explore, with Francesco Sblendorio of RetroCampus, the timeless charm of Minitels and Videotels. Let's find out how these objects, aesthetically fascinating, were used to connect to services, book trips, and much more, anticipating some functions that we carry out today on [...]