CBM 8032, Commodore PET, keyboard repair, contact cleaning, graphite, cover

Commodore PET CBM 8032 keyboard repair

I had purchased this Commodore PET (Personal Electronic Transactor) CBM 8032, in the United States, and it had arrived in my collection at the end of 2021. This 8-bit computer, produced in the early 80s, had caught my attention for the [...]

Thematic path of the 70s, 80s, 90s, Commodore, CBM, article cover, ValorosoIT

Commodore and Amiga: a journey from the '70s to the '90s

Welcome to ValorosoIT! 🎉 Today I invite you to embark, with me, on a real journey through time, exploring the thematic path I have set up, mainly dedicated to the history of Commodore electronic devices. It starts from the 70s, to arrive [...]

Varese Retrocomputing 2023, interview 3, article cover, Altair 8800, Commodore PET 2001, Apple II, Radio Shack TRS-80

Altair 8800 and the first personal computers

The Altair 8800 represents a fundamental chapter in the history of computer evolution. This extraordinary device, born in 1975 as a mounting kit, marked the beginning of an era in which computers became accessible to ordinary people, helping to define the [...]

Complete list of commands Commodore CBM Basic V4.0 Commodore PET, CBM 3000, CBM 4000, CBM 8000, CBM 8032

Complete list of Commodore PET Basic V4.0 commands

In this article, I list the complete list of commands, functions and variables reserved for the Commodore PET Basic V4.0. The computers that use Basic V4.0 are the CBM and PET series 2001, 3000, 4000 and 8000. [...]

Ignition Test Test Commodore PET, CBM 8032, retro computer, vintage collection, ValorosoIT

Commodore PET, CBM 8032, test

Here, finally, the proof of the Commodore PET CBM 8032 that I had purchased on eBay in the United States and that I had told you about in this video. I found a way to power it at 110V! I hope you can take some cues, if [...]

Commodore PET, CBM 8032, retro computer, vintage collection, ValorosoIT

Commodore PET, CBM 8032

I had been following some auctions on eBay for some time to buy a Commodore PET, CBM 8032 (or another similar model) and finally the opportunity arose for a computer that didn't cost too much. Despite the price [...]

How to write a program in Basic V2 Commodore 64 Atari Altirra QB64, episode 8

How to write a program: Basic course #8

Welcome to the eighth installment of the basic language course! In today's video, we learn how to write a program, simple, starting from an idea. How to write a program: the flowchart Suppose you want to write a program, very simple, to generate [...]

Course to learn how to program in Basic Commodore 5, QB64 GWBASIC DOSBOX INT RND TIMER function, 16 64 128 C64 C16 Vic20 Vic-20 C128 Plus4

Course for Programming in Basic #5, Int Rnd Timer, Times Tables

Welcome to the fifth installment of the Basic Programming course. Today we see the RND function, which generates pseudo-random numbers, the INT function, which returns the integer part of a number and also the TIMER system variable. We implement the [...]

Basic language programming tutorial course Commodore, Commodore 16, Commodore 64, Commodore 128, Commodore PET, Commodore Plus4, Commodore Vic20, C16 C128 C64, IBM DOS MicroSoft GWBASIC, episode # 1

Basic language programming course, #1

Today special topic! The Basic language programming course begins! Today’s video is about creating a very simple program (the video is in Italian, but you can activate English subtitles). Let’s see how to type the program, how to view the […]

Video course on Commodore QB64 4 Basic language, DIM array vectors max min average value min max sequence of numbers

Videocourse on Basic Language, DIM arrays, #4

Welcome to the fourth installment of the video course on Basic language. Today we introduce vectors, also called arrays, which are data structures. We also see the concept of average, minimum and maximum value of a sequence of numbers. Not at least, […]

Programming tutorial in Basic QB64 Commodore fitness program

Basic, QB64 and Commodore # 3 programming tutorial

Welcome to the third round of the Basic programming tutorial. The Basic program we make today is a fitness training timer. To be notified when the fourth episode comes out, you can subscribe to the YouTube channel (and activate the bell [...]

Basic language programming course Commodore 2, C16 C128 C64 PET Vic20 GWBASIC IF THEN LOAD SAVE LIST NEW

Programming in Basic, tutorial # 2

Welcome to the second installment of the tutorial on how to program in Basic, the language of the Commodore. If you missed the first episode, you can find it here. Today we write a nice program, which can be useful, after the holidays, to decide whether [...]

Basic language programming tutorial course Commodore, Commodore 16, Commodore 64, Commodore 128, Commodore PET, Commodore Plus4, Commodore Vic20, C16 C128 C64, IBM DOS MicroSoft GWBASIC, episode # 1

Basic Programming Course, # 1

Today special topic! Begin the programming course in Basic, the Commodore language. Today's episode is about creating a very simple program. Let's see how to type it, how to view its list, how to modify it, then start it and even stop it. [...]

VICE emulator run Commodore 64 128 16 Vic-20 PET game programs on Windows 10, C128, C16, C64

VICE emulator for 8-bit Commodore

In this video (at 1:50 pm) I showed how to download for free, install on a Windows 10 PC, configure and use the VICE emulator (WinVICE) for 8-bit Commodore. Unlike CCS64, another emulator I described in this [...]