Commodore 1702, monitor CRT anni 80, copertina articolo

Commodore 1702

Prodotto dalla JVC per Commodore, il monitor CRT Commodore 1702 รจ l’abbinamento perfetto per retro computer come il Commodore 64, il VIC-20, il C128, il C16, il C116 e il Plus/4. Finalmente sono riuscito ad aggiungerlo alla mia collezione grazie […]

Varese Retrocomputing 2024, interview 6 Simone Nasa and William, modern accessories for Commodore, article cover

Modern accessories for Commodore

During Varese RetroComputing 2024, I had the pleasure of interviewing Simone Nasa and William, who presented a range of modern accessories for the legendary Commodore 64, Vic-20 and Amiga. These accessories, designed to improve performance and simplify [...]

Varese Retrocomputing 2024, interview 5 Lorenzo Bolla, C64 FUN-NEST, article cover

C64 FUN-NEST: retro innovation

In the world of retrocomputing, modern interfaces and innovations allow us to breathe new life into our beloved vintage computers. During Varese RetroComputing 2024, a reference event for fans of historical technologies, I interviewed Lorenzo Bolla, creator of the [...]

Varese Retrocomputing 2024, interview 3 Karl Voltolini, Vintanerd, Ghostbusters, article cover

Ghostbusters and 80s computers

In the world of retrogaming, Ghostbusters is one of the few video games that I enjoyed a lot as a child. The game was inspired by the famous 1984 movie. In this exclusive video interview for the ValorosoIT channel, recorded at Varese Retrocomputing 2024, [...]

Historybit, computer stories, exhibition computers and vintage calculators, article cover, exhibition in Cerro Maggiore

Historybit โ€“ Stories of Computers 2024

In today's video, I take you with me to the exhibition Historybit โ€“ Computer Stories, organized by Davide and Alberto Fornasiero of Studio FBP in Cerro Maggiore. It is an unmissable opportunity to explore the evolution of technology through an extraordinary collection of [...]

Thematic path of the 70s, 80s, 90s, Commodore, CBM, article cover, ValorosoIT

Commodore and Amiga: a journey from the '70s to the '90s

Welcome to ValorosoIT! ๐ŸŽ‰ Today I invite you to embark, with me, on a real journey through time, exploring the thematic path I have set up, mainly dedicated to the history of Commodore electronic devices. It starts from the 70s, to arrive [...]

Daniele Lanzillo, introduction to 8-bit assembly programming, 65XX, ValorosoIT, MOS 6510, assembler, MOS 6502

Assembly for MOS 65XX Processors

The book Introduction to 8-bit Assembly Programming โ€“ Volume I: MCS 65XX is a fundamental guide for those who want to learn Assembly programming for MOS 65XX processors. Written by Daniele Lanzillo, also known as M.A.W. 1968 (Andrรกs [...]

Francesco Sblendorio, BBS Retrocampus article cover, Bulletin Board System

BBS from the 80s and 90s... nowadays

In the world of technology, few things evoke nostalgia like Bulletin Board Systems (BBS). Before the advent of the Internet as we know it today, BBSs were the center of the online world for many computer enthusiasts. How many emotions connect to a [โ€ฆ]

Merry Christmas Greetings, Christmas Tree in Basic V2, Commodore 64

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas ๐ŸŽ„ and Happy Holidays in 8-bit style! Even during the holidays, we keep thinking about our beloved retro computers! ๐Ÿ™‚ For those interested in the BASIC V2 program listing of the Commodore 64, here it is: 10 PRINT CHR$(147); CHR$(150) 20 [...]

Varese Retrocomputing 2023, interview 6, article cover, Francesco Sblendorio, ValorosoIT

BBS, Minitel and Videotel in 2023?

Today we explore, with Francesco Sblendorio of RetroCampus, the timeless charm of Minitels and Videotels. Let's find out how these objects, aesthetically fascinating, were used to connect to services, book trips, and much more, anticipating some functions that we carry out today on [...]

Carlo Santagostino, Retrocampus, AI, AI, artificial intelligence in video games, cover

Artificial Intelligence in Video Games

Welcome to this fascinating lecture through the history of artificial intelligence in video games, held by Carlo Santagostino. Over the decades, the integration of AI into video games has become a key element in delivering increasingly immersive and complex gaming experiences. In [...]

modern accessories and games for Commodore, Commodore 64, Commodore 16, Mivar monitor, CRT TV, Varese Retrocomputing 2023, RetroPotenza table, Gerundo Retrogaming, Commodore, cover

Modern accessories and games for Commodore, with Vincenzo Bono

Welcome back to the ValorosoIT blog, your source of inspiration for everything related to retrocomputers and vintage electronics. In this first interview of a series, I take you on an exciting journey into the heart of Varese Retrocomputing 2023, a [...]

Commodore 64 web server, Contiki v3.0

Commodore 64 web server

I'm browsing a website... generated by an original Commodore 64! Unbelievable: the Commodore 64 is now a web server! Daniel Nagy has created a web server with the Commodore 64.

ChatGPT on Commodore 64, OpenAI, BBS RetroCampus, Francesco Sblendorio

ChatGPT on the Commodore 64?

Francesco Sblendorio has integrated ChatGPT, OpenAI's artificial intelligence, at the RetroCampus BBS. Here's how to use ChatGPT on the Commodore 64! To connect, you can use the Commodore 64 with a WiFi modem, or, alternatively, you can use your computer, opening [...]

Mechanical arm controlled by Commodore 64, Magu, stepper motors

Mechanical arm controlled by the C64

Today we take a step back in time, to present an incredible experiment carried out in 1985-86 by Massimo Guidarelli (known as Magรน). Massimo is a former professor now retired and, with his students of the Professional Institute for Electromechanics, has created a [...]

Vintage computer shelves. Displays in the office, shelves.

Vintage computer shelves

Finally I finished assembling the vintage computer shelves I bought on Amazon! ๐Ÿ™‚ I mounted them in the office. I'm filling them with the back computers I have in the collection, but also with devices and cards [...]

OpenAI ChatGPT, GPT chat blocked disabled for Italian users, Privacy Guarantor

ChatGPT disabled by the Italian SA

Edit 28/04/2023. ChatGPT reopens in Italy, after working on what is requested by the Privacy Guarantor: 01/04/2023. The Guarantor for the protection of personal data has intervened and, for Italian users, ChatGPT is blocked. It is hoped that the situation [...]

OpenAI's ChatGPT, artificial intelligence writes an article on the history of the Commodore 64

The history of the Commodore 64 written by ChatGPT

Is OpenAI's ChatGPT AI able to write an entire article, describing the history of the Commodore 64? I asked ChatGPT, OpenAI's artificial intelligence, to write the history of the Commodore 64. Let's read it together! The photos were [...]

OpenAI ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, GPT 3 Chat, cover

ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence by OpenAI

The professors are trembling, the workers too... artificial intelligence has arrived and is within everyone's reach! What are we talking about? Let's talk about ChatGPT, a chat in which we write questions and, on the other side of the screen, artificial intelligence responds. Let's explore the [โ€ฆ]

OpenAI ChatGPT, artificial intelligence to write programs in Basic of the Commodore 64, C64, cover

BASIC program written by artificial intelligence

Can OpenAI's ChatGPT AI write a program in BASIC for the Commodore 64? Try! In this short video, I recorded the first attempts. I requested two programs in BASIC for the Commodore 64: a cycle [...]

Ghosts 'n Goblins videogame, cassette tape, Encore, Commodore 1531 C2N datassette

Ghosts 'n Goblins

I'll unlock a memory: when you loaded the cassette of the video game Ghosts'n Goblins with the datassette Commodore 1531 C2N! ๐Ÿ™‚

Commodore 64, biscuit breadbin case restoration memory repair, RAM, SID, CBM, C64

Commodore 64 (breadbin)

The Commodore 64 is an 8-bit home computer produced by Commodore Business Machines since 1982. It is also known as C64, C = 64 and CBM64 and almost 20 million units were sold, in different versions, up to [...]

ASMR Retro Computer Vintage Keyboards Sound, IBM Commodore Atari Olivetti MSX Philips Amstrad

ASMR Computer Vintage Keyboards Sound

Do you know what ASMR videos are? They are those videos in which you record only the sound of some objects, rather than the sound of people while eating... So here is an ASMR video on the sound of all the keyboards of the back [...]

Commodore 1350 Mouse for Commodore 64 The Final Cartridge III internal cleaning

Commodore 1350 Mouse for Commodore 64

Is there a mouse for the Commodore 64? Here is the Commodore 1350 mouse! Let's see where I bought it, try it with The Final Cartridge III+ and open it to clean it. Trying the interface The Final Cartridge III+, an interface that connects to the [...]

Divina!, Dante Alighieri Divine Comedy, Dante's Avatar, Retro Printer Commodore 64 teletypewriter

Divina! Dante's Avatar

Today I want to talk to you about the Divina art installation! Dante avatar. Divine! is an artistic installation designed and created by the University of Pisa โ€“ D.I.C.I. โ€“ Laboratorio Astro, under the artistic direction of Foll.ia Lab. It is a cycle of events on the occasion of the celebrations [โ€ฆ]

Interface Cartridge TapeCart SD load fast games Commodore 64 TAP PRG TCRT

TapeCart SD for Commodore 64

Here is the review of the TapeCart SD, which was given to me by Vincenzo Santoro of The SD TapeCart that was given to me is a special version! It is an interface that connects to the datassette port of the Commodore 64 [...]

How to write a program in Basic V2 Commodore 64 Atari Altirra QB64, episode 8

How to write a program: Basic course #8

Welcome to the eighth installment of the basic language course! In today's video, we learn how to write a program, simple, starting from an idea. How to write a program: the flowchart Suppose you want to write a program, very simple, to generate [...]

PC Basic Course, command list list compendium commands instructions functions Basic V2 Commodore 64

Commodore 64 Basic V2 Command List

Here is the complete list of commands, functions and variables reserved for the Commodore 64's Basic V2, with a simple explanation. This is a simple compendium to remember all the commands, instructions and functions, when you already [...]

The Final Cartridge III Plus Commodore 64 expansion card

The Final Cartridge III+, replica assembling tutorial

In this video article we talk about how to build a replica of The Final Cartridge III+. Let's see how to get the printed circuit board of the interface on PCBWay, how to solder all the electronic components and how to program the EPROM through the cheap programmer TL866II Plus. [...]