CBM 8032, Commodore PET, keyboard repair, contact cleaning, graphite, cover

Commodore PET CBM 8032 keyboard repair

I had purchased this Commodore PET (Personal Electronic Transactor) CBM 8032, in the United States, and it had arrived in my collection at the end of 2021. This 8-bit computer, produced in the early 80s, had caught my attention for the [...]

Commodore PET, CBM 8032, retro computer, Personal Electronic Transactor, 1979 1980

Commodore PET, CBM 8032

Of this retro computer, the Commodore PET, CBM 8032, I have already made a couple of videos: when I bought it and when I tried it. The computer came from the United States, so it is powered by 110V alternating current. Of this [...]

Ignition Test Test Commodore PET, CBM 8032, retro computer, vintage collection, ValorosoIT

Commodore PET, CBM 8032, test

Here, finally, the proof of the Commodore PET CBM 8032 that I had purchased on eBay in the United States and that I had told you about in this video. I found a way to power it at 110V! I hope you can take some cues, if [...]

Commodore PET, CBM 8032, retro computer, vintage collection, ValorosoIT

Commodore PET, CBM 8032

I had been following some auctions on eBay for some time to buy a Commodore PET, CBM 8032 (or another similar model) and finally the opportunity arose for a computer that didn't cost too much. Despite the price [...]