Commodore 64 user port, connections, pinout, pinout, interfaces, cable, connector

How to control the Commodore 64 User Port

I have always found it interesting to consider the computer not only as an independent entity, but also able to control other equipment. It is possible to control the Commodore 64 User Port for this purpose: that is, to integrate the computer with the surrounding environment. I had […]

Commodore 64 and home automation, load control, Home Control, home automation system

Commodore 64 and home automation: load control

Here is the second video related to the Commodore 64 and home automation. The topic covered is the control of loads: the function of the home automation system that is used to measure the consumption of the home. I had already shown, in the first video related to home automation, how [...]

Home automation with the Commodore 64, Control Casa, load control, light control, shutter control, sockets

Home automation with the Commodore 64

I am very passionate about technology, both modern and vintage. I asked myself: is it possible to control home automation with the Commodore 64? It took some work, but the experiment was successful! First step: connect the Commodore 64 [...]

Change WiFi modem Commodore 64, NodeMCU, ESP8266, 5V tolerant? No! 3.3V. Modification with diode on RX

Commodore 64 WiFi Modem Modification

I recently bought a WiFi modem on eBay and wrote an article on how to set it up and use it. And now, why this article? Is a modification to the Commodore 64 WiFi Modem really necessary? I was reminded [...]

DraCopy, DraBrowse, delete rename file copy, floppy disc drive 1541, SD2IEC emulator, address 8 9, Commodore 64

DraCopy: copy, rename and delete a file

In this video I show how to copy a file from micro SD to floppy disc and vice versa, using the Commodore 64 and the DraCopy by Draco software. Below the video, I have described all the steps. Hardware components for the experiment The components [...]

Datel Action Replay, Commodore 64,, cartridge use step by step, videogame copy, tutorial, videogame duplication from cassette to SD floppy

Datel Action Replay 1988, the video of the test

Today I want to talk to you about the Datel Action Replay, the latest technological innovation... from 1988! Datel is an English company, still active, that produces interfaces and accessories to improve the gaming experience. The Datel Action Replay allows you to freeze a game […]

Commodore SD2IEC, microSD, videogame games, C16 C64 VIC20 PLUS4, floppy emulator 1541, serial

SD2IEC floppy emulator for Commodore 64

It seems useful to me to be able to transfer games, programs or utilities from my PC to the Commodore and vice versa. For this I bought an SD2IEC floppy emulator for Commodore 64. I found and bought on eBay an SD2IEC emulator, including microSD […]

Commodore 64, modem wifi, bbs, internet, nodemcu

Commodore 64 WiFi Modem, Review

I recently bought a Commodore 64 WiFi modem in kit form on eBay. The price was attractive. The kit consists of a few components: using the appropriate equipment, assembly took a few minutes. Unfortunately, the modem I bought does not [...]

Commodore 64, breadbin case restoration repair memory, RAM, SID, CBM, C64, fix

Riparazione memoria Commodore 64

This article on Commodore 64 memory repair is part of a much larger restoration. In fact, I found an old Commodore 64 retrocomputer on Facebook Marketplace for a few euros, but it had several flaws. First of all, they were all missing [...]