Today we take a step back in time, to present an incredible experiment carried out in 1985-86 by Massimo Guidarelli (known as Magù). Massimo is a former professor now retired and, with his students from the Professional Institute for Electromechanics, he has created a mechanical arm controlled by the C64!

The experiment dates back to the 1985-1986 school year. It is a mechanical arm made entirely by hand, with file and drill, and controlled by a cable connected to the User Port of the Commodore 64.

Here are the incredible results that this experiment has obtained! Although kids today use technologies like Arduino and Raspberry for their designs, it's interesting to see how the Commodore 64 was used just as innovatively at the time.

Congratulations to Magù and his students, for making this mechanical arm controlled by the C64! It's such an interesting and stimulating experiment for kids' creativity.