Kung Fu Flash for Commodore 64, review

In this video I try the Kung Fu Flash, a'interface that connects to the Commodore 64 expansion port andโ€ฆ can emulate different types of cartridges.

Subscribe my YouTube channel ValorosoIT. Retro technology, vintage audio, retro computers, experiments and tests. Retroprogramming, Basic. Commodore, IBM, Atari, Apple, Texas Instruments, Amstrad, MSX.

The project is by Kim Jorgensen and is open source: on GitHub, you can easily find both the hardware and software projects. It is also possible to purchase the interface already assembled and with the 3D printed container.

Kung Fu Flash, Commodore 64, interface, microSD, GitHub, Kim Jorgensen, Open Source project, free

At the rear, the Kung Fu Flash is equipped with a micro SD memory card slot. Using a PC, we can copy different types of files to the micro SD.

Kung Fu Flash, Commodore 64, interface, 3D printing, micro SD memory card, CRT files, PRG, D64, D71, D81, upload files from PC to Commodore 64

In fact, Kung Fu Flash supports CRT files, which are then the copies of the ROMs of the cartridges that we insert in the Commodore's expansion port.

It also supports other file types, including i PRG, which can be programs made in Basic, games or utilities and also disk image files, therefore D64, D71 and D81.

Up to version 1.14, the Kung Fu Flash presents some limitations: Only works with the PAL version of the Commodore 64 or Commodore 128. Disk drive emulation does not work with fastloaders. REL files are not supported. In addition, the interface only works in read: you can not save files from the Commodore.

From version 1.15 it is also possible to save and delete files from disk images (D64 / D71 / D81), as well as select the virtual drive address.

In version 1.30 you can also upload files in T64 format (normal tape files only), and there is support for NTSC computers.

Don't know how to update the firmware of your Kung Fu Flash? You can find out by reading this article.

Follow me on Instagram channel. Retro technology, Commodore, vintage audio, retro computers, experiments and tests. Retroprogramming, Basic. Commodore, IBM, Atari, Apple, Texas Instruments, Amstrad, MSX.

Loading a PRG file with the Kung Fu Flash

Immediately after turning on the Commodore 64 you have to press the button Menu on the Kung Fu Flash. The list of files on the microSD opens.

Kung Fu Flash, Commodore 64, micro SD, CRT file list, PRG, D64, D71, D81, Basic program

The first file I tried to load is a program I made in Basic: if you follow my videos, you've already seen it. It is the program to manage the coffee machine.

An interesting feature of the Kung Fu Flash is that it behaves like a real cartridge. It stores the last loaded program and, every time the Commodore is turned off and on again, the program starts automatically.

However, the microSD memory card must remain inserted in the interface when it is turned on, otherwise the program will not be loaded.

Opening a D64 disk image

As a further experiment, I tried opening a D64 file, which is a disk image. To choose the file to upload, press the button Menu on the cartridge.

Within the D64 image of a disk, there may also be multiple files. For the experiment, I loaded the Kick Off 2 game.

Kung Fu Flash, Commodore 64, D64 file, D71, D81, disc image, Kick Off game 2

Also in this case, it is possible to turn the Commodore off and on again and the Kung Fu Flash always restarts from the last game loaded, obviously provided that the microSD has not been removed in the meantime.

Commodore 64, micro SD, D64 disk image, D71, D81, Kick Off 2 game

Cartridge emulation: CRT file

Finally, I tried to load some CRT files - these files are ROM copies of real cartridges.

It is possible, for example, to load the FastLoad Epyx, to speed up the loading of files from the floppy disk drive. In this case, when the Commodore 64 is turned on, the Kung Fu Flash behaves just like a FastLoad interface.

It is also possible to load a diagnostic cartridge for the Commodore 64 and perform the operation tests of the computer. I tried to emulate the cartridge's ROM diagnostics Rev. 586220.

Kung Fu Flash, Commodore 64, micro SD, CRT dead test emulation, diagnostics 586220

Again, you can upload one Action Replay: the Commodore 64 behaves just as if it had a real Action Replay connected.

I had made a Datel Action Replay video, in which I explained how to load a game from tape and then save it to disk or microSD with an SD2IEC floppy disk emulator.

Kung Fu Flash, Commodore 64, micro SD, CRT emulation Datel Action Replay V6.0 1989

The Action replay has a button that is used to freeze the game, after loading it. Here, on the Kung Fu Flash the button to press is called Special.

Of course, it is also possible to load games in CRT format.

Commodore 64, micro SD, PacMan emulator Leo game

If you liked this review, I invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel, where you can find more videos of experiments and reviews.

Credits: in the video review, SID music is Super Hang-On by Steve Barrett.

Subscribe my YouTube channel ValorosoIT. Retro technology, vintage audio, retro computers, experiments and tests. Retroprogramming, Basic. Commodore, IBM, Atari, Apple, Texas Instruments, Amstrad, MSX.

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Posted in Retro Computer, Retro Technology and Vintage Electronics, All articles.


  1. hi, in the meantime, congratulations for the excellent presentations on the subject that I followed especially for kung fu flash.
    In this regard I wanted to ask, since it was in the description above, details on how it is possible for example, once the kung fu flash is inserted and working, to save files from the c64 / c128 directly to some image disk (.d64) or directly as .PRG on the kung fu flash card. I seem to have understood that from version 1.14 it was possible to do this .. but I have not yet found anything that would explain it in detail.
    At the moment I was able to test it in the standard way and that is by loading the .crt, .d64 that I have available and that I loaded from the PC on the microSD.
    Thanks a lot cmque ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Amedeo, the video was explained very well, to purchase the cartridge already ready, you mentioned the GitHub site, where all the files and sources of the Kung Fu Flash in question are found, but by "combing through" so to speak the site there is no 'is way to find a page of Kim Jorgensen (if that's how it's spelled), where you can buy it. But nothing about valid "trusted" resellers (let's say), here in Italy who make use of Kim's experience and support??

  3. I actually bought the cartridge on eBay. The GitHub site contains the project and the sources, as well as any updates. I advise you to buy the cartridge on eBay, taking care to use the purchase protection. All sellers resell the same hardware and software. If you buy a Kung Fu Flash, that is. They use Kim Jorgensen's firmware.

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