It's great to find such beautiful items, like this JVC 3080 boombox, at a low price on online marketplaces.

The JVC 3080 is a boombox from the late 70s, early 80s: it was produced from 1978 to 1980. It is a concentration of functionality: a portable black and white TV, a radio and a cassette player/recorder. I couldn't miss it!

Even if it turns on, the example I have needs some attention: the tuning knob doesn't work. But with a little work (when I have time!!!), it will be as good as new!
JVC 3080 TV Radio Cassette – Unboxing ASMR 🔊
#JVC3080 #Boombox #VintageTech #TVPortatile #RadioVintage #CassettePlayer #ElettronicaVintage #ValorosoIT

Date of entry into the collection: 24/11/2023
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