How many liters are there in a gallon? How much is a pint worth? Here, below, a simple and fast unit of measurement converter, to be used directly online! The online calculator supports liters (L), cubic centimeters (cc = mL), cubic meters (mc), cubic inches (cu in), American fluid ounces (US oz), imperial liquid ounces (UK oz), American pint (US pt), imperial pint (UK pt), US gallon (US gal) and English gallon (UK gal).

Liters (L) |
cc = mL |
Cubic meters |
Cubic Inches |
U.S. Gallons |
UK Gallons |
U.S. Ounces |
UK Ounces |
U.S. Pints |
UK Pints |
How does the online unit converter work?
Simple! Simply type the value in the field of the original unit of measurement to find the conversion to all other units of measurement.
Converting units of volume has never been easier. With this online calculator, you can convert the units of measurement of volume, one with the other.

How many liters are there in a gallon? How much is a pint worth?
An American engine of 350 cubic inches, what displacement does it have in cubic centimeters?
Here are the formulas for those who like a bit of theory, to convert the values between the various units of measurement of volume.
How to convert from liters (l, lt) to cubic meters (mc, m3):
mc = liters / 1000

How many cubic centimeters are there in a liter? Convert from liters (l, lt) to cubic centimeters (cc, c.c., milliliters):
cc = liters * 1000
How to calculate from liters (l, lt) to US gallons (US gal):
US gal = liters / 3.78542

How to convert from liters (l, lt) to Uk imperial gallons (UK gal):
US gal = liters / 4.546
One liter, how many pints are there? Calculate from liters (l, lt) to American pints (US pt):
US pt = liters / 0.568261
Convert from liters (l, lt) to English imperial pints (UK pt):
UK pt = liters / 0.473176
How to convert from liters (l, lt) to American fluid ounces (US OZ):
US oz = liters / 0.0295735
Convert from liters (l, lt) to imperial liquid ounces (UK OZ):
UK oz = liters / 0.0284131
How to convert from cubic centimeters (cc, c.c.) to liters (l, lt):
liters = cc / 1000
How many liters are there in a cubic meter? Convert from cubic meters (mc, m3) to liters (l, lt):
liters = mc * 1000
Calculate from US gallons (US gal) to liters (l, lt):
liters = US gal * 3.78542

How many liters are there in a gallon? Convert from UK UK gallons (UK gal) to liters (l, lt):
liters = UK gal * 4.546
How many liters are there in a pint? Convert from American pints (US pt) to liters (l, lt):
liters = US pt * 0.568261
Convert from English imperial pints (UK pt) to liters (l, lt):
liters = UK pt * 0.473176
What is an ounce? Convert from American fluid ounces (US OZ) to liters (l, lt):
liters = US oz * 0.0295735

Online calculator from imperial liquid ounces (UK OZ) to liters (l, lt):
liters = UK oz * 0.0284131
How many liters are there in a gallon? How much is a pint worth? Converter, calculator, unit of measurement of volume.

All the calculations you can make with this online converter calculator
- from liters (l, lt) to cubic centimeters (cc, c.c.)
- centimetri cubi (cc, c.c.) <> litri (l, lt)
- from liters (l, lt) to cubic meters (mc, m3)
- metri cubi (mc, m3) <> litri (l, lt)
- from liters (l, lt) to US gallons (US gal)
- galloni americani (US gal) <> litri (l, lt)
- from liters (l, lt) to British IMPERIAL gallons (UK gal)
- galloni imperiali inglesi (UK gal) <> litri (l, lt)
- from liters (l, lt) to American pints (US pt)
- pinte americane (US pt) <> litri (l, lt)
- from liters (l, lt) to English imperial pints (UK pt)
- pinte imperiali inglesi (UK pt) <> litri (l, lt)
- from liters (l, lt) to American fluid ounces (US OZ)
- once fluide americane (US OZ) <> litri (l, lt)
- from liters (l, lt) to imperial liquid ounces (UK OZ)
- once liquide imperiali (UK OZ) <> litri (l, lt)
- from cubic centimeters (cc, c.c.) to cubic meters (mc, m3)
- cubic centimeters (cc, c.c.) to US gallons (US gal)
- from cubic centimeters (cc, c.c.) to British imperial gallons (UK gal)
- cubic centimeters (cc, c.c.) with American pints (US pt)
- from cubic centimeters (cc, c.c.) to English imperial pints (UK pt)
- cubic centimeters (cc, c.c.) to American fluid ounces (US OZ)
- from cubic centimeters (cc, c.c.) to imperial liquid ounces (UK OZ)
- cubic meters (mc, m3) to cubic centimeters (cc, c.c.)
- from cubic meters (mc, m3) to US gallons (US gal)
- cubic meters (mc, m3) to British imperial gallons (UK gal)
- from cubic meters (mc, m3) to American pints (US pt)
- metri cubi (mc, m3) <> pinte imperiali inglesi (UK pt)
- from cubic meters (mc, m3) to American fluid ounces (US OZ)
- cubic meters (mc, m3) to imperial liquid ounces (UK OZ)
- from US gallons (US gal) to cubic centimeters (cc, c.c.)
- galloni americani (US gal) <> metri cubi (mc, m3)
- US gallons (US gal) to UK gallons (UK gal)
- US gallons (US gal) to American pints (US pt)
- from US gallons (US gal) to English imperial pints (UK pt)
- US gallons (US gal) to US fluid ounces (US OZ)
- US gallons (US gal) to imperial liquid ounces (UK OZ)
- galloni imperiali inglesi (UK gal) <> centimetri cubi (cc, c.c.)
- from British imperial gallons (UK gal) to cubic meters (mc, m3)
- UK gallons (UK gal) to US gallons (US gal)
- from British IMPERIAL gallons (UK gal) to American pints (US pt)
- galloni imperiali inglesi (UK gal) <-> pinte imperiali inglesi (UK pt)
- British IMPERIAL GALLONS (UK gal) to American fluid ounces (US OZ)
- UK gallons (UK gal) to imperial liquid ounces (UK OZ)
- from American pints (US pt) to cubic centimeters (cc, c.c.)
- pinte americane (US pt) <> metri cubi (mc, m3)
- from American pints (US pt) to US gallons (US gal)
- American pints (US pt) to British IMPERIAL gallons (UK gal)
- from American pints (US pt) to English imperial pints (UK pt)
- American pints (US pt) to American fluid ounces (US OZ)
- from American pints (US pt) to imperial liquid ounces (UK OZ)
- pinte imperiali inglesi (UK pt) <> centimetri cubi (cc, c.c.)
- from English imperial pints (UK pt) to cubic meters (mc, m3)
- English Imperial Pints (UK pt) to US Gallons (US gal)
- from English imperial pints (UK pt) to English imperial gallons (UK gal)
- English imperial pints (UK pt) to American pints (US pt)
- from English Imperial Pints (UK pt) to American Fluid Ounces (US OZ)
- pinte imperiali inglesi (UK pt) <> once liquide imperiali (UK OZ)
- from American fluid ounces (US OZ) to cubic centimeters (cc, c.c.)
- American fluid ounces (US OZ) to cubic meters (mc, m3)
- from American fluid ounces (US OZ) to US gallons (US gal)
- American fluid ounces (US OZ) to British UK gallons (UK gal)
- from American fluid ounces (US OZ) to American pints (US pt)
- once fluide americane (US OZ) <> pinte imperiali inglesi (UK pt)
- American fluid ounces (US OZ) to imperial liquid ounces (UK OZ)
- imperial liquid ounces (UK OZ) to cubic centimeters (cc, c.c.)
- from imperial liquid ounces (UK OZ) to cubic meters (mc, m3)
- imperial liquid ounces (UK OZ) to US gallons (US gal)
- imperial liquid ounces (UK OZ) to UK gallons (UK gal)
- once liquide imperiali (UK OZ) <> pinte americane (US pt)
- from imperial liquid ounces (UK OZ) to English imperial pints (UK pt)
- imperial liquid ounces (UK OZ) to American fluid ounces (US OZ)