I programmed, when I was a boy, this Multitask Editor, just to gain experience. It was not a real necessity: even at the beginning of the 90s there were text editors, and also very performing.

For example, Microsoft Word for DOS was born back in 1983, with its version 1.0. At the end of 1992, when I programmed my Multitask Editor, Microsoft Word was already at version 5.5, and I owned version 5.0.

I have always been convinced that experimentation is important, in all fields. In particular, I am referring to the sectors most dear to me: electronics and information technology. Trying to imitate the most famous software, even just to try, not only allows you to learn how to program, but also helps to create more usable and pleasant user interfaces.
Very often, especially recently, it happens to come across software that is really not very usable. The question I ask myself is always the same: "But who programmed the software, has he ever used it?".
Obviously we all know the answer: no! Only the most serious companies do accurate testing and evaluate the user experience. Other companies, on the other hand, are only focused on reducing the time to market. This means, unfortunately, having software (but also hardware), more and more inconvenient to use and with more and more defects.

In my opinion, to plan properly, you must first do it with passion, dedicating the necessary time to the project. Programs must be constantly tested, both during programming and even later.
Returning to my Multitask Editor project, the software allowed, like any other text editor, to create, load and save text files. In addition, my program had the ability to load external text files to include them within the document, as well as to save parts of the document's text to external files.
Programming language: Microsoft QuickBASIC.
Project start: December 1992. State: for personal use.