The Commodore PC 10 (my computer is model 9100-00) is an IBM compatible computer produced in 1984. The item in my collection is in good aesthetic condition, with original keyboard, Commodore 76BM13/00E green phosphor CRT monitor, Intel 8088 processor, 256 KB RAM and 2 5.25″ 360 KB floppy disk drives.

After purchasing this Commodore PC10 computer, I disassembled it and cleaned it thoroughly. The computer is in good aesthetic condition. As we will see later, in other videos, the computer has some small defects to fix. Also, I'm trying to do some upgrades.
Startup screen
The computer starts with the following texts:
Commodore BIOS Rev. 2.03 380 258 - 03
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 by Commodore Electronics Ltd.
Copyright (C) 1984,1985 by Phoenix Software Associates Ltd.
All Rights Reserved.
LPT1 at 0378h
COM1 at 03F8h
RAM: 256 KBytes OK
Runs diagnostic tests and counts all 256 KB of RAM. Then load the software on the 360 KB diskette.
Interested in how to expand the RAM on this computer? Here's the solution!

Technical characteristics of the vintage Commodore PC 10 computer
CPU: Intel 8088, 16 bit, 4.77 MHz
RAM: 256 KB, chips soldered on mainboard; RAM is expandable up to 640 KB
ROM: 8 KB (contains the POST = Power On Self Test and the BIOS = Basic Input-Output System)

Graphics: ATI graphics card on 8-bit ISA slot, CW16800-A graphics processor, 64 KB RAM, MDA, CGA, Hercules, with 9-pin DB connector

Modalità testo: 80 colonne x 25 righe, 132 x 25, 132 x 44, B&W e a colori
Graphics mode: 640 x 200 pixels 4 colors, 320 x 200 pixels 16 colors

Even though the video card supports colors, my computer has the Commodore 76BM13/00E monitor, which is a green phosphor cathode ray tube. Inside the computer there is a second video card: Commodore Monochrome PCB ASSY 380003-01 REV D.

Audio: beep

Keyboard: external 5-pole DIN
Originally shipped operating system: MS DOS version 3.20
Storage media: n. 2 internal floppy disk drives, 5.25″, 360 KB

Expansion ports, internal:
- N. 5 ISA 8 bit expansion ports
- Controller for floppy disk drives, with 34-pin connector
- N. 18 free sockets for RAM expansion (8 bit + parity)
- No. 1 socket for Intel 8087 mathematical coprocessor

The motherboard is divided into two parts: the CPU PCB (ASSY NO. 380000-01 REV D) and I/O PCB (ASSY NO. 380001-01 REV E).

Expansion ports, external:
- 5-pole DIN keypad (front)
- 25 pole DB serial
- Parallela DB 25 poli (Centronics)
- N. 2 9-pole DB connectors for monitor (the 2 ISA video cards, shown above)

Size and weight: to be measured.
The Commodore PC 10 boots with the MS DOS operating system. It is possible to emulate the MS-DOS environment with DOSBox (although DOSBox is an emulator for x86 systems).
Power supply
The power supply of the Commodore PC 10 personal computer is inside the computer, it accepts voltages of 220-240 Vac 50 Hz and absorbs a power of 170 W. At the back of the computer, there is the IEC C14 power connector, where to connect the cable mains power supply.
The voltages generated, in direct current, are:
- 5V
- 12V
- -12V
The -5V voltage is generated by a regulator on the motherboard, starting from -12V.
The power switch is on the back of the computer, just above the power connector.

1. Commodore PC10 PC20 PC40 guides
2. Commodore PC10 PC20 service manual
3. Commodore PC10 I – II – III service manual
4. Commodore PC10 BIOS ver 2.03 2.05 (M27C128 EPROM)