Commodore 710, Commodore PET floppy Commodore 8250 LP. CPU: MOS 6509 a 2MHz (Zilog Z80 & Intel 8088 opzionali). ROM: 28 KB. RAM: 128 KB. Video: modalità testo 80 caratteri x 25 righe, monocromatico. Audio: MOS SID (stesso del Commodore 64, MOS 6581). Tastiera: 94 tasti, con tastierino numerico e tasti funzione programmabili. Software incluso in ROM: BASIC 4.0. Floppy disk drive: esteri (interni opzionali). Porte di espansione: - 1 IEEE-488 - 1 Seriale RS-232 - 1 Expansion port (per cartucce) - 1 Audio - 1 Porta per Datassette (lettore di cassette). Alimentazione: 220-240Vac, 130W, alimentatore switching interno.

Commodore 710

Commodore 710 “Porsche Design” with Commodore 8250LP, dual floppy disk drive, displayed in my office.

Subscribe my YouTube channel ValorosoIT. Retro technology, vintage audio, retro computers, experiments and tests. Retroprogramming, Basic. Commodore, IBM, Atari, Apple, Texas Instruments, Amstrad, MSX.

Commodore 710, Commodore PET, museo, esposizione, ufficio. CPU: MOS 6509 a 2MHz (Zilog Z80 & Intel 8088 opzionali). ROM: 28 KB. RAM: 128 KB. Video: modalità testo 80 caratteri x 25 righe, monocromatico. Audio: MOS SID (stesso del Commodore 64, MOS 6581). Tastiera: 94 tasti, con tastierino numerico e tasti funzione programmabili. Software incluso in ROM: BASIC 4.0. Floppy disk drive: esteri (interni opzionali). Porte di espansione: - 1 IEEE-488 - 1 Seriale RS-232 - 1 Expansion port (per cartucce) - 1 Audio - 1 Porta per Datassette (lettore di cassette). Alimentazione: 220-240Vac, 130W, alimentatore switching interno.

Although this retro computer is often referred to as the Commodore 710 “Porsche Design”, in reality it seems that it was never designed by Porsche Design of Stuttgart.

The Commodore 710 is part of the Commodore CBM-II series: a line of 8-bit personal computers manufactured by Commodore Business Machines (CBM) between 1982 and 1984.

Technical characteristics of the Commodore 710

CPU: MOS 6509 a 2MHz (Zilog Z80 & Intel 8088 opzionali)

ROM: 28 KB

RAM: 128 KB

Video: Text mode 80 characters x 25 lines, monochrome

Audio: MOS SID (same as Commodore 64, MOS 6581)

Keyboard: 94 keys, with numeric keypad and programmable function keys

Follow me on Instagram channel. Retro technology, Commodore, vintage audio, retro computers, experiments and tests. Retroprogramming, Basic. Commodore, IBM, Atari, Apple, Texas Instruments, Amstrad, MSX.

Software included in ROM: BASIC 4.0

Floppy disk drive: foreign (internal optional)

Commodore 710, Commodore PET Amedeo Valoroso ValorosoIT

Expansion ports:

  • 1 IEEE-488
  • 1 Serial RS-232
  • 1 Expansion port (per cartucce)
  • 1 Audio
  • 1 Datassette port (cassette player)
  • Dimensions: 46 (width) x 59.5 (depth) x 46 (height) cm
  • Power supply: 220-240Vac, 130W, internal switching power supply
Commodore 710, rear connectors, rs232 serial, power supply, IEEE-488, datassette


1. Commodore CBM II, 500 600 700, user guide

2. Commodore CBM II, 700, reference manual

3. Commodore CBM II, schematics

Date of entry into the collection: 07/01/2022

Subscribe my YouTube channel ValorosoIT. Retro technology, vintage audio, retro computers, experiments and tests. Retroprogramming, Basic. Commodore, IBM, Atari, Apple, Texas Instruments, Amstrad, MSX.

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