The professors are trembling, the workers too... artificial intelligence has arrived and is within everyone's reach! What are we talking about? Let's talk about ChatGPT, a chat in which we write questions and, on the other side of the screen, artificial intelligence responds. Let's explore the capabilities of this novelty!

Until you try to chat with ChatGPT-3, you cannot understand the real possibilities of this technology, launched in late 2022. In addition to chat, OpenAI's artificial intelligence technology offers APIs to integrate it with other applications.
Translations with ChatGPT
Online translations are nothing new: we have been using Google Translate and other services for years now. The quality of ChatGPT translations is really good!

After asking to carry out the translation, the artificial intelligence waits a moment to develop the translated text.

Subsequently, it returns, always in the chat, the translation of the text, in a very natural way.

Summaries with ChatGPT
OpenAI's AI is also capable of generating summaries. For example, I tried asking for the summary of the Divine Comedy in English.

And, to the artificial intelligence of Open AI, I asked for the summary of the Divine Comedy also in Italian.

The texts provided are of great quality. They are not texts retrieved on the internet on some site, but are generated by the artificial intelligence platform independently.
Programming with OpenAI AI
Impressive! I asked Chat GPT to write a program in C++ using the WHILE loop and… here is the result!

The AI was able to generate a program, as I asked him!
Being passionate about vintage computers, I also asked ChatGPT to write a program in BASIC for the Commodore 64… he did it! Here you are, in this short video, the first result. Other subsequent requests gave different listings, as shown in this article.

Logic problems with artificial intelligence
The ChatGPT query is not finished. In an attempt to discover all the possibilities of artificial intelligence, I posed some logic problems to him. For example, the one depicted in this image.

“If it takes me 10 minutes to get to work by car, how long would it take me to walk?”

The response was smarter than expected. I would have replied: “1 or 2 hours”. In practice, ChatGPT did not only take into account my personal experience. You didn't assume that the road was paved... well, what kind of terrain is there between your home and work?
ChatGPT for writing texts
Will bloggers and writers also lose their jobs?
ChatGPT was able to generate texts and articles on various topics. For example, I asked to write a text regarding the Commodore 64, addressing the topic of the history of the computer and its technical characteristics. The text had to be 300 words, in Italian and English, and… so it was.

Curious to try ChatGPT? Subscribe to the platform!
To try chat with artificial intelligence, you need to register on the platform

You can create an account using your email address. Or, you can create an account using Google or Microsoft.
After registering, Chat GPT 3 also asks for your mobile phone number, which will be confirmed via a code sent via message.

After gaining access to the platform, the system provides some explanations about the possibilities and limitations of artificial intelligence. In short: the project is in the draft phase, so the answers may not be accurate or may even be incorrect.
So, guys, if you want ChatGPT to do your schoolwork, be careful to check it, before copying it back to the book or notebook!
Pay attention to privacy too! The questions you ask ChatGPT will be recorded, in order to improve the platform. It is better not to share sensitive personal data.

The artificial intelligence system is optimized for dialogue. Don't ask questions by just typing keywords. Please indicate your question in full. It is possible to evaluate, by thumbs up or thumbs down, whether the answer provided by Chat GPT is relevant.

Once you reach the main chat page, you can write the text of the question at the bottom and then press the icon for sending the question to the artificial intelligence.
It is also possible to write in Italian, not only in English.

OpenAI ChatGPT Access Issues
Chat with artificial intelligence has become very fashionable in this period. Many users are connecting from all parts of the world. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that the system is not available, because it has reached the maximum computing capacity.

In this case, you can try to refresh the browser page sometimes, using the F5 on the keyboard, in the hope that the platform will be free.
Alternatively, you will have to reconnect at other times.
ChatGPT interview: what is ChatGPT?
It is difficult to explain exactly what ChatGPT is. From the examples I gave above, it's like chatting with an omniscient friend. We leave ChatGPT the answer:

“ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI. It is based on a machine learning technology called “deep transfer learning” that allows it to generate text autonomously. The model has been trained on a large amount of text on the internet and is therefore capable of generating text on a wide range of topics. It is mainly used to generate text automatically, answer questions, translate text, generate summaries and much more. ChatGPT is a language generation model based on the Transformer architecture, which uses a combination of deep learning methods to generate text autonomously. The model has been trained on a large amount of text on the internet and is therefore capable of generating text on a wide range of topics.”
Some information about the OpenAI company
“OpenAI is a nonprofit organization founded by Elon Musk, Sam Altman, Greg Brockman, Ilya Sutskever, Wojciech Zaremba and others. OpenAI's goal is to develop advanced artificial intelligence technologies responsibly and share them with the world to advance scientific and social progress.”
In short, behind ChatGPT there is also some well-known name!