My “new” CBM (Commodore Business Machines) model 776M calculator, from the year 1975, has just arrived from the UK via eBay – an offer I couldn't pass up!
The calculator arrived with its original case in perfect condition, although the instruction leaflet is a little battered.

📟 It is incredibly compact, just over 13 cm long.

🇬🇧 I have to admit that I'm sorry about Brexit: the British market is very interesting for fans of computers and vintage objects. With the advent of the new customs regulations, purchases from the UK have increased in price, but this time I still saved compared to purchasing in Italy.
🔋 In the meantime, I need to replace the 9V battery holder, but I can't wait to put it to the test!

#CBM776M #CBM #Commodore #VintageTech #eBay #Brexit #Savings #Collection #ValorosoIT

Date of entry into the collection: 12/19/2023
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