Varese Retrocomputing 2024, interview 7 Davide Dr Fix, Cosmac ELF, article cover

Cosmac ELF

On our journey through time, we are accompanied by Davide Calvi of the RetroEdicola Videoludica Association, better known as Dr. Fix, who tells us unique details and anecdotes about the ELF Cosmac. The computer that showed us David Dr. Fix is a replica [...]

Varese Retrocomputing 2023, interview 2, article cover, Luca Baldi, Matteo Baldi

Unreal Engine and Blender

Varese Retrocomputing 2023 was an extraordinary event, a meeting between the past and the future of the technological world. On this occasion, I had the honor of interviewing Luca and Matteo Baldi of the Ctrl + Alt Museum in Pavia, who [...]

OpenAI ChatGPT, GPT chat blocked disabled for Italian users, Privacy Guarantor

ChatGPT disabled by the Italian SA

Edit 28/04/2023. ChatGPT reopens in Italy, after working on what is requested by the Privacy Guarantor: 01/04/2023. The Guarantor for the protection of personal data has intervened and, for Italian users, ChatGPT is blocked. It is hoped that the situation [...]

OpenAI ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, GPT 3 Chat, cover

ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence by OpenAI

The professors are trembling, the workers too... artificial intelligence has arrived and is within everyone's reach! What are we talking about? Let's talk about ChatGPT, a chat in which we write questions and, on the other side of the screen, artificial intelligence responds. Let's explore the […]

PCBWay PCB design contest 2022, printed circuit boards, designs, cover

PCBWay, PCB design contest

PCBWay is an online manufacturer of custom printed circuit boards. In addition to the creation of custom PCBs, anyone can publish their own project, available to other users of the PCBWay website. When a customer buys the printed circuit board, it is recognized [...]

Reassemble Mount Sony PlayStation4 Pro, PS4 Pro, Mount Reassemble Assemble Assembly

How to re-assemble the PlayStation 4 Pro

Do you have the PS4 disassembled, because you cleaned it, and you don't know how to reassemble it? Did you change the thermal paste because the PS4 Pro fan was noisy? Have you replaced the battery? Well, after seeing how to disassemble the PS4 Pro and have [...]

PlayStation4 Pro Cleaning Maintenance, Fan Cleaning, Processor Thermal Paste, Battery

PS4 Pro Thermal Paste Replacement

Welcome to the second article in the series dedicated to cleaning and maintaining the PlayStation 4 Pro! Let's see how to proceed with the replacement of the thermal paste of the PS4 Pro. Not only that, let's also see how to replace the CR2032 backup battery and how to clean [...]

Maintenance Cleaning PlayStation4 Pro, disassemble step by step tutorial open maintenance cleaning

How to disassemble the Sony Playstation 4 Pro

Have you just bought a used Sony PlayStation 4? Does the fan run so fast that your PS4 will soon take flight? Is the PS4 Pro too noisy? Well, let me tell you one thing: it's not normal. Fortunately, the solution [...]

How to Take a Screenshot on Windows PC, Screenshot Desktop Photo, Save Jpg Screen

How to take a Screenshot on PC, Windows

Here, immediately, some solutions: how to take a screenshot from Windows PC? A screenshot is a photo of the screen, snapshot, which you can paste into documents or you can save as a JPG image. It's like taking a picture of your computer monitor [...]

Recall Recall Smart Watch Watch Smartwatch Fitbit Ionic Review Opinion, Safe Scam Scam Issues

Fitbit Ionic, the smartwatch explodes?

I recently received a recall from Fitbit for the Fitbit Ionic smartwatch. Really? A recall for a smartwatch? I thought recalls were the prerogative of cars, but instead… My experience with smartwatches My experience with […]

Connect a remote computer to the VPN - SoftEther VPN Client, cover

How to connect a remote computer to VPN (SoftEther)

Connecting a remote computer to the VPN, to connect to the home or office LAN, offers many advantages. To do this, in this article we have set up a VPN (Virtual Private Network), with SoftEther VPN Server, which [...]

Automatically turn off your PC Windows 10 set time set scheduled, time

Automatically shut down your PC at a scheduled time, Windows 10

It can happen that, sometimes, you forget the PC turned on and remain in operation throughout the night. In this article, we see how to automatically turn off the PC at a scheduled time, appropriately setting Windows 10. Let's also see how to avoid [...]

Dip an LED bulb, dimmable 3 steps vary brightness dimmer variator, light intensity

How to dim an LED bulb

Have you tried to dip an LED bulb and you only got flickering and buzzing? If it happened to you and you want to understand how you can connect LED bulbs to dimmers, to vary the brightness, you are reading [...]

Remove unused devices, uninstalled hardware, delete drivers

Remove unused devices, clean Windows 10 drivers

Windows keeps track of all the devices in use on the computer: every time we insert a USB pen-drive, every time we install new hardware, but also every time we move a hardware, from one port to another. Each device that [...]

Simple Storage Space Windows 10, sum hard disk capacity, hard disk union, increase space

Simple Windows 10 Storage Spaces

Welcome to the latest article on Windows 10 storage spaces. After writing three articles about mirroring, today I describe the simple storage spaces of Windows 10. The simple storage spaces of Windows 10 do not have security features [...]

Spazi di Archiviazione, Windows 10, mirroring sicurezza ridondanza dati, pool archiviazione, protezione in caso di errori dell'unità

Windows 10 Storage Spaces, mirroring to protect data

I was looking for a more practical and cost-effective alternative to protect data in case of hard drive failures, compared to a RAID controller. I came across the Windows 10 Storage Spaces, in 2-way mirroring configuration. This feature of [...]

Riapertura automatica applicazioni all'avvio di Windows 10, riavvio programmi, esplora file, posta elettronica, internet, Edge

Automatically reopening applications when Windows 10 starts

When you shut down Windows 10 by keeping some applications open, without closing them manually, the operating system can be configured to restart applications the next time you turn on your computer. It is also possible the opposite setting: that is, to deactivate the automatic reopening [...]

Wise Registry Cleaner, Windows 10 registry cleaning scan optimization, defragmentation redundant elements

Windows 10 Registry Cleaning and Optimization

Cleaning and optimizing the Windows 10 registry is not an operation to be performed every day. Rather, after uninstalling applications, or after a few months of using the computer, traces can accumulate inside the registry, which is [...]

Arrestare, spegnere velocemente Windows 10, pannello di controllo, regedit, ibernazione, arresto in corso, velocizzare l'arresto del sistema

Quickly shut down Windows 10

It can happen, on some computers, that the system takes a long time to shut down. In this article, I describe a couple of procedures to try to shut down Windows 10 quickly. It happened to me on a rather powerful workstation, with many [...]

Privacy Windows 10, delete PC usage traces with Wise Disk Cleaner, file usage history, Office, Word, Excel, cookies, browsing data, Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Explorer

Improve Privacy: delete traces of pc use

Why erase traces of PC use? The topic of Privacy is very controversial. Many feel the need not to make their actions public, but not for doing something wrong! Using the PC, you always leave a lot of [...]

Windows 10 shortcuts, tips and tricks, hints, keyboard shortcuts

Windows 10 Shortcuts, Tips and Tricks # 2

I have always found it particularly interesting to discover and use tips and tricks, tricks, hidden features, in short: the shortcuts of Windows 10. I have described the top 5 tricks in this article. Now let's see 5 more. Capture a screenshot [...]

Windows 10 tricks, tips and tricks, useful tips, shortcuts, keyboard shortcuts

Useful Windows 10 Tricks, Tips and Tricks # 1

I have always found it particularly interesting to discover and use tips and tricks, keyboard shortcuts, tips, in short: useful tricks for Windows 10. Some tricks are already known and used, but others are more particular. Here, then, the [...]

Windows 10 icons, remove, delete, compress blue arrows, link arrow

Blue arrows on Windows 10 icons, how to remove them

The blue arrows on the Windows 10 desktop icons indicate that the files they refer to are compressed. A recent Windows 10 update made them visible and… completely defaced my desktop. By informing yourself online, […]

VB.NET, Visual Studio, Microsoft Visual Basic, learn to program

Create an application with Visual Basic

In this article I explained how to download and install Visual Basic for free. But how to create the first application? Well, in this article I'm going to explain how to create an application with Visual Basic. I will not deal now with the actual programming, [...]