Ghosts 'n Goblins videogame, cassette tape, Encore, Commodore 1531 C2N datassette

Ghosts 'n Goblins

I'll unlock a memory: when you loaded the cassette of the video game Ghosts'n Goblins with the datassette Commodore 1531 C2N! 🙂

Commodore 64G 64G C64G retro vintage computer, CBM, white, white keyboard

Commodore 64G

The Commodore 64G (also C64G, C=64G, C 64 G) is an 8-bit home computer produced by Commodore Business Machines since 1987. It is a particular version of the Commodore 64, intended for the German market. It should not be confused with [...]

Commodore 64, biscuit breadbin case restoration memory repair, RAM, SID, CBM, C64

Commodore 64 (breadbin)

The Commodore 64 is an 8-bit home computer produced by Commodore Business Machines since 1982. It is also known as C64, C = 64 and CBM64 and almost 20 million units were sold, in different versions, up to [...]

Atari 800XL vintage retro computer collection ValorosoIT, Home Computer, 80s, CPU MOS 6502C, GTIA (video), POKEY (sound, I/O), ANTIC (video)

Atari 800XL

The Atari 800XL is an 8-bit home computer manufactured by Atari, a US company, between 1982 and 1985. The computer was competing with the Commodore 64, but failed to beat the dreaded opponent. To expand the [...]

Atari 600XL, retro vintage computer, collection, Technical characteristics of the Atari 600XL CPU: MOS 6502C, 1.77 MHz (PAL) / 1.79 MHz (NTSC) ROM: 24 KB RAM: 16 KB Graphics: GTIA (Graphic Television Interface Adaptor): PAL OKI C014889, NTSC OKI C012295 and C014805 ANTIC (Alphanumeric Television Interface Controller): PAL C021698, NTSC C021697 Text mode: 5 modes, 20 columns x 12 lines to 40 columns x 24 rows Graphics mode:  256 colors, 16 graphics modes, maximum 320 x 192 pixels Audio: POKEY (POtentiometer KEYboard Integrated Circuit): C012294, 4 voices Join the Facebook group. Retro technology, Commodore, vintage stereo systems, retro computers, experiments and tests. Commodore, IBM, Atari, Apple, Texas Instruments, Amstrad, MSX. Keyboard: mechanical, QWERTY 62 keys Software included in ROM: Atari Basic I/O ports: 1 Audio/Video 1 Cartridge slot 1 Peripheral Port (SIO) 1 parallel BUS 2 Joystick ports

Atari 600XL

The Atari 600XL is an 8-bit home computer manufactured by Atari, along with its older brother the Atari 800XL, between 1982 and 1985. Unlike the Atari 800XL, the 600XL is smaller and has 16KB of RAM instead of [...]

Sinclair ZX Spectrum + Spectrum+ Spextrum Plus, vintage retro computer, CPU: Zilog Z80A at 3.5 MHz, ROM: 16 kB, RAM: 48 kB, Video: 16 colors, text 32 columns × 24 lines, graphics 256 x 195 pixels, Audio: buzzer, Keyboard: QWERTY 40 plastic keys, Software included in ROM: Sinclair BASIC, Expansion ports: 1 Expansion port, 1 Antenna (RF connection to TV),  2 Cassette recorder ports (out and in).

ZX Spectrum+

The ZX Spectrum+ (ZX Spectrum Plus) is a low-cost home computer, manufactured in 1984 by Sinclair Research Ltd in the United Kingdom. It is a restyle of the ZX Spectrum with 48 KB of RAM: it has a larger case and [...]

Sinclair ZX Spectrum, retro computer vintage collection, CPU: Zilog Z80A at 3.5 MHz, ROM: 16 kB, RAM: 16 kB or 48 kB (depending on version), Video: 16 colors, text 32 columns × 24 lines, graphics 256 x 195 pixels, Audio: buzzer, Keyboard: QWERTY 40 keys, membrane, Software included in ROM: Sinclair BASIC, Expansion ports:  1 Expansion port, 1 Antenna (RF connection to TV), 2 Cassette recorder ports (out and in)

ZX Spectrum

The ZX Spectrum is a low-cost home computer, produced from 1982 until 1984 by Sinclair Research Ltd in the United Kingdom.In the 80s, the ZX Spectrum was a competitor to the Commodore 64, thanks to a cheaper price [...]

Sinclair Spectrum ZX81 ZX 81, 16K RAM expansion expansion, retro computer vintage collection, Clive Sinclair, CPU: NEC μPD780C at 3.25 MHz, compatible with Zilog Z80A, ROM: 8 kB, RAM: 1 kB, expandable up to 64 kB, Video: monochrome, text 32 columns × 24 lines, graphics 64 x 48 pixels, Keyboard: QWERTY 40 keys, membrane, Software included in ROM:  Sinclair BASIC, Expansion ports: 1 Expansion port, 1 Antenna (RF connection to TV), 2 Cassette recorder jacks (out and in)

Sinclair ZX81

The Sinclair ZX81 was a low-cost home computer manufactured in the United Kingdom by Sinclair Research. Introduced in 1981 as a successor to the Sinclair ZX80, the Sinclair ZX81 was produced until 1984. The computer was sold by mail order, [...]

Commodore PET, CBM 8032, retro computer, Personal Electronic Transactor, 1979 1980

Commodore PET, CBM 8032

Of this retro computer, the Commodore PET, CBM 8032, I have already made a couple of videos: when I bought it and when I tried it. The computer came from the United States, so it is powered by 110V alternating current. Of this [...]

Texas Instruments TI99-4A retro vintage computer, lot, beige white. CPU: TI TMS9900, 3.0 MHz, 16-bit. ROM: 26KB. RAM: 16KB (expandable). Video: TI TMS9918A VDP, 32 monochrome sprites, 16 colors, 40×24 characters, 256×192 pixels. Audio: TI TMS9919, later SN94624. Keyboard: QWERTY, 48 keys. Software included in ROM: TI BASIC. Expansion ports: - 1 Expansion port - 1 Audio/Video - 1 Tape drive port - 1 Joystick port (for 2 Joysticks)


The Texas Instruments TI-99/4A is a home computer manufactured between 1981 and 1983. The interesting aspect of the TI99/4A retro computer is the CPU: it already works at 16 bits. The standard home computers produced at that time, such as the Commodore [...]

Commodore 710, Commodore PET floppy Commodore 8250 LP. CPU: MOS 6509 a 2MHz (Zilog Z80 & Intel 8088 opzionali). ROM: 28 KB. RAM: 128 KB. Video: modalità testo 80 caratteri x 25 righe, monocromatico. Audio: MOS SID (stesso del Commodore 64, MOS 6581). Tastiera: 94 tasti, con tastierino numerico e tasti funzione programmabili. Software incluso in ROM: BASIC 4.0. Floppy disk drive: esteri (interni opzionali). Porte di espansione: - 1 IEEE-488 - 1 Seriale RS-232 - 1 Expansion port (per cartucce) - 1 Audio - 1 Porta per Datassette (lettore di cassette). Alimentazione: 220-240Vac, 130W, alimentatore switching interno.

Commodore 710

Commodore 710 “Porsche Design” with Commodore 8250LP, dual floppy disk drive, displayed in my office. Although this retro computer is often referred to as the Commodore 710 “Porsche Design”, in reality it seems that it was never designed by Porsche Design […]

Portable portable PC, IBM 5155. Year: 1984. Default programming language: Basic. QWERTY mechanical keyboard (Italian layout), 83 keys. CPU: Intel 8088, 4.77 MHz, with the possibility of expansion for 8087 math coprocessor. RAM: 512 KB (minimum 256 KB, expandable up to 640 KB). ROM: 40 KB. Text mode: 25 lines x 80 columns. Graphics mode: CGA, 320 x 200 pixels, 640 x 200 pixels. Monitor: integrated, 9 "CRT, amber color. Sound: beep. Dimensions and weight: 50 x 43 x 20 cm, 13.6 Kg. Serial and parallel port. Expansion ports: 7. Drive: 2 x 5" 1/4 disks floppy (360 KB). Operating system: PC-DOS 2.1

IBM 5155

This yes that was a good purchase! An IBM 5155 laptop. Spectacular! This time I went to pick it up personally, to avoid transport problems. Here is a short video that I made, related to the proof of this magnificent retro [...]

Commodore Plus4 Plus/4 3+1 CBM retro computer vintage

Commodore Plus/4

I've wanted a Commodore Plus/4 for a long time. I really like its design. Furthermore, it comes with Basic V3.5, with many more commands than the Commodore 64. Unfortunately it arrived to me... not working. On the blog you will find videos relating to unboxing, […]

Atari 2600 long rainbow ms.pacman videogame joystick

Atari 2600 jr long rainbow

I recently purchased this Atari 2600 jr long rainbow, with MS. PAC-MAN cartridge and joystick, as not working. Fortunately, it only took a little deoxidizer on the various connectors, including the multipolar one where the game is housed. Now it works [...]

Pong Polistil console, with four games (Tennis, Football, Squash, Pelota), based on the IC TMS 1965 video game system

Polistil Pong Console

It adds, to my collection of retro computers and vintage electronics, a Pong Polistil console. It is a videogame (a retrogame, since time has passed since its release) of 1978. It was kindly given to me by close friends [...]

Commodore 128 vintage personal computer, retrocomputer

Commodore 128

The Commodore 128 is an 8-bit home computer manufactured by Commodore Business Machines between 1985 and 1989. It is also known as C128 and CBM128 and is compatible with the Commodore 64. It is a very versatile computer [...]