Windows 10 shortcuts, tips and tricks, hints, keyboard shortcuts

Windows 10 Shortcuts, Tips and Tricks # 2

I have always found it particularly interesting to discover and use tips and tricks, tricks, hidden features, in short: the shortcuts of Windows 10. I have described the top 5 tricks in this article. Now let's see 5 more. Capture a screenshot [...]

Windows 10 tricks, tips and tricks, useful tips, shortcuts, keyboard shortcuts

Useful Windows 10 Tricks, Tips and Tricks # 1

I have always found it particularly interesting to discover and use tips and tricks, keyboard shortcuts, tips, in short: useful tricks for Windows 10. Some tricks are already known and used, but others are more particular. Here, then, the [...]

DraCopy, DraBrowse, delete rename file copy, floppy disc drive 1541, SD2IEC emulator, address 8 9, Commodore 64

DraCopy: copy, rename and delete a file

In this video I show how to copy a file from micro SD to floppy disc and vice versa, using the Commodore 64 and the DraCopy by Draco software. Below the video, I have described all the steps. Hardware components for the experiment The components [...]

Datel Action Replay, Commodore 64,, cartridge use step by step, videogame copy, tutorial, videogame duplication from cassette to SD floppy

Datel Action Replay 1988, the video of the test

Today I want to talk to you about the Datel Action Replay, the latest technological innovation... from 1988! Datel is an English company, still active, that produces interfaces and accessories to improve the gaming experience. The Datel Action Replay allows you to freeze a game […]

Windows 10 icons, remove, delete, compress blue arrows, link arrow

Blue arrows on Windows 10 icons, how to remove them

The blue arrows on the Windows 10 desktop icons indicate that the files they refer to are compressed. A recent Windows 10 update made them visible and… completely defaced my desktop. By informing yourself online, […]

Philips N4504, Aristona EW5504, recap restoration repair, replacement capacitors

Repair reel recorder Aristona EW5504

Reel to reel recorders have their own innate charm. Therefore, when I saw an Aristona EW5504 reel tape recorder on a classifieds site, I immediately contacted the seller. Aristona (as well as Radiola was), was a brand [...]

Commodore SD2IEC, microSD, videogame games, C16 C64 VIC20 PLUS4, floppy emulator 1541, serial

SD2IEC floppy emulator for Commodore 64

It seems useful to me to be able to transfer games, programs or utilities from my PC to the Commodore and vice versa. For this I bought an SD2IEC floppy emulator for Commodore 64. I found and bought on eBay an SD2IEC emulator, including microSD […]

Commodore 16, SD2IEC emulator installation with microSD, tape adapter cable

SD2IEC: l’emulatore disk drive per Commodore 16

I bought an SD2IEC disk drive emulator, which I use for both the Commodore 16 and other Commodores I own. With the emulator, I also purchased a microSD containing over 3GB of programs, video games and utilities. I described how it works [...]

Commodore Vic20, SD2IEC microSD emulator connection

SD card emulator for Commodore VIC-20

With my unexpanded Commodore VIC-20, loading games with the datassette is not a very difficult task. The files are small in size, so the loading time is still acceptable. However, it seems useful to me to be able to transfer games, [...]

Commodore 64, modem wifi, bbs, internet, nodemcu

Commodore 64 WiFi Modem, Review

I recently bought a Commodore 64 WiFi modem in kit form on eBay. The price was attractive. The kit consists of a few components: using the appropriate equipment, assembly took a few minutes. Unfortunately, the modem I bought does not [...]

VB.NET, Visual Studio, Microsoft Visual Basic, learn to program

Create an application with Visual Basic

In this article I explained how to download and install Visual Basic for free. But how to create the first application? Well, in this article I'm going to explain how to create an application with Visual Basic. I will not deal now with the actual programming, [...]

VB.NET, Visual Studio, Microsoft Visual Basic, install Visual Basic

Install Visual Basic, Visual Studio for free

Do you want to start learning to program and you don't know which programming language to orient yourself on? Start installing Visual Basic for free. Visual Basic (also called VB.NET) is a programming language developed by Microsoft. It is very powerful and allows you to [...]

LED car, Dodge Charger, position light, LED arrow

Reduce flickering of LED bulbs

Have you ever mounted an LED bulb on your car instead of an arrow, a reversing light and saw it flash quickly? It is an annoying effect, which some call flickering, others flickering of light bulbs [...]

Update Install Windows 10 on old PCs on old PCs

Install Windows 10 on old PCs

Should I install Windows 10 on old PCs? In this article I will try to give an answer and make some clarity. There are some factors to take into account, in particular: how old is the computer where you want [...]

Commodore 64, breadbin case restoration repair memory, RAM, SID, CBM, C64, fix

Riparazione memoria Commodore 64

This article on Commodore 64 memory repair is part of a much larger restoration. In fact, I found an old Commodore 64 retrocomputer on Facebook Marketplace for a few euros, but it had several flaws. First of all, they were all missing [...]

Commodore 16, retrocomputer, C16, CBM, Commodore Business Machines Inc.

Commodore 16 repair

Here's another retrocomputer article: Commodore 16 repair. Sifting through Facebook Marketplace, I was struck by this listing for a used, non-working Commodore 16. The price was good, precisely because the computer had problems. TO […]

Windows 10, tombstone, default apps, pre-installed apps, C:  Program Files  WindowsApps

Permanent removal of pre-installed Windows 10 apps

When you install Windows 10, you immediately realize that the operating system is full of pre-installed apps, which take up unnecessary space and, above all, make the Start Menu a big mess. In this article I describe how to carry out the removal [...]

Windows 10, uninstall default apps from all existing accounts

Uninstalling Windows 10 default apps

When you buy a computer with Windows 10, you immediately realize that the operating system is full of pre-installed apps, which take up unnecessary space and, above all, make the Start Menu a big mess. How to uninstall Apps [...]

Mandatory PHP update WordPress, PHP 7.3, VestaCP PHP update to version 7.3., CentOS

PHP update of VestaCP to version 7.3

Do you urgently need a PHP update of VestaCP to version 7.3? Recently, those who use WordPress will have noticed, in the Bulletin Board, this notice: This article is aimed at those who use, for hosting the website, the VestaCP control panel [...]

Commodore VIC-20, Vic20, retrocomputer, retro technology, computer

Commodore VIC-20 restoration

Why did I buy a Commodore VIC-20? I started programming as a child with the Commodore 64 that we had in the family, which was later replaced with the more modern and performing (for the time) Commodore 128. Recently the [...]

Useful Linux commands, CentOS, server administrator, SSH, server auditor, ExtraPutty

Useful CentOS Commands for Server Administrators

Very often, for those approaching Linux servers for the first time, there is a bit of embarrassment. There is no graphical interface, but only a text-based command shell. Here is a list of CentOS commands useful for those who [...]

Sanyo MR-909, tape recorder, tape recorder

Recapping Sanyo MR-909 tape recorder

While consulting a classifieds site for the sale of used items, I recently came across an old Sanyo MR-909 tape recorder. The post was clear, the reel recorder was not working, but I still decided to buy it with [...]

Sanyo MR-909, reel recorder, tape recorder, tape recorder, 4 tracks

Sanyo MR-909 reel recorder restoration

While consulting a used item listing site, I recently came across an old audio reel tape recorder, a Sanyo MR-909 tape recorder. The post was clear, the reel recorder was not working, but I still decided [...]

LED bulbs for cars, reverse gear, position lights, arrows, T20, W21W, BA15S, BAU15S, working

LED bulbs, control unit error, canbus

Who tried to replace the bulbs of the arrows of the machine with LED ones? Were there any problems? We all know the answer: yes! Do the arrows flash too fast (new cars) or too slowly (vintage cars)? Do you see any errors? [...]

LED bulbs lamps T20 T15 T10 W5W T5 W3W BA15S BAU15S, position lights, arrows, turn signals, reverse

LED bulbs, how come they do not work

It will have happened to anyone to buy LED bulbs for their car, but also for their home, and to see them broken, turned off, after a few hours of operation. In this article I will briefly analyze the causes of the breakage and [...]

Marware AdWare Android Virus Removal

Remove a virus from Android smartphones (system adware)

The virus for Android smartphones Recently it happened to me that my Android smartphone behaved in a way as strange as it was annoying. Every few minutes, pop-ups appeared that forced me to install apps. The popups had the logo [...]