Basic language programming course Commodore 2, C16 C128 C64 PET Vic20 GWBASIC IF THEN LOAD SAVE LIST NEW

Programming in Basic, tutorial # 2

Welcome to the second installment of the tutorial on how to program in Basic, the language of the Commodore. If you missed the first episode, you can find it here. Today we write a nice program, which can be useful, after the holidays, to decide whether [...]

Basic language programming tutorial course Commodore, Commodore 16, Commodore 64, Commodore 128, Commodore PET, Commodore Plus4, Commodore Vic20, C16 C128 C64, IBM DOS MicroSoft GWBASIC, episode # 1

Basic Programming Course, # 1

Today special topic! Begin the programming course in Basic, the Commodore language. Today's episode is about creating a very simple program. Let's see how to type it, how to view its list, how to modify it, then start it and even stop it. [...]

VICE emulator run Commodore 64 128 16 Vic-20 PET game programs on Windows 10, C128, C16, C64

VICE emulator for 8-bit Commodore

In this video (at 1:50 pm) I showed how to download for free, install on a Windows 10 PC, configure and use the VICE emulator (WinVICE) for 8-bit Commodore. Unlike CCS64, another emulator I described in this [...]

CCS64 emulator, run start Commodore 64 game utility programs on Windows 10 PC

CCS64, Commodore 64 emulator

In this video I showed how to download for free, install on a Windows 10 PC, configure and use the CCS64, an emulator for Commodore 64, which is installed on a Windows 10 PC. of the […]

Dip an LED bulb, dimmable 3 steps vary brightness dimmer variator, light intensity

How to dim an LED bulb

Have you tried to dip an LED bulb and you only got flickering and buzzing? If it happened to you and you want to understand how you can connect LED bulbs to dimmers, to vary the brightness, you are reading [...]

Christmas tree controlled commanded connected Commodore 64, Amedeo and Leo, Christmas lights connected to the Commodore 64

Here is a Christmas tree controlled by the Commodore 64!

Do you know what is the mistake that everyone, absolutely everyone, makes when decorating the Christmas tree? They don't connect it to the Commodore 64! To fill this gap, I carried out this experiment: a Christmas tree controlled by the Commodore 64! Hardware to connect [...]

Commodore 64 radio controlled RC car, user port, Dodge RAM

Commodore 64 remote controlled car

In this experiment, I connected a remote controlled toy car to the Commodore 64 user port. It is a nice experiment, which you can do with your children or grandchildren. Hardware connections To connect the remote controlled car to the user port of the [...]

Commodore MPS 803 printer, needle printer, cleaning, lubrication

Commodore MPS 803 printer, cleaning

I recently recovered an old Commodore MPS 803 dot matrix printer, abandoned in the cellar. His condition was not exactly optimal, but, thankfully, it worked. I therefore decided to proceed with a thorough cleaning and lubrication. Commodore MPS printer features […]

Electric heater connected to the Commodore 64 user port, cover

Electric heater controlled by the Commodore 64

We are now in winter and it is starting to get cold. What better occasion to make an electric heater controlled by the Commodore 64? Connecting the interface for the electric heater controlled by the Commodore 64 To connect the electric heater to the Commodore 64 I [...]

Easy Script, Commodore MPS 803, Commodore 64, print a letter in the 80's, print with the Commodore, video writing

Easy Script, video writing for Commodore 64

Today I want to show you how to write a letter with Easy Script, in the 80s! In our day, we are used to the simplicity of Microsoft Word, but, 40 years ago, things weren't that intuitive! Easy Script, the alternative to the current Microsoft Word, [...]

Kung Fu Flash, Commodore 64, interface, microSD, Kim Jorgensen, GitHub, firmware upgrade update, cartridge, ROM CRT file, expansion port

Kung Fu Flash update

In this short video, I explain how to update the Kung Fu Flash to the latest version available on GitHub. In fact, by purchasing a Kung Fu Flash, the firmware inside it may not be updated to the latest version available. The procedure described here [...]

Kung Fu Flash, Commodore 64, interface, microSD, Kim Jorgensen, GitHub, CRT, PRG, D64, D71, D81, disk images, emulator

Kung Fu Flash for Commodore 64, review

In this video I try the Kung Fu Flash, an interface that connects to the Commodore 64 expansion port and ... can emulate different types of cartridges. The project is by Kim Jorgensen and is open source: on GitHub, you can [...]

Remove unused devices, uninstalled hardware, delete drivers

Remove unused devices, clean Windows 10 drivers

Windows keeps track of all the devices in use on the computer: every time we insert a USB pen-drive, every time we install new hardware, but also every time we move a hardware, from one port to another. Each device that [...]

Simple Storage Space Windows 10, sum hard disk capacity, hard disk union, increase space

Simple Windows 10 Storage Spaces

Welcome to the latest article on Windows 10 storage spaces. After writing three articles about mirroring, today I describe the simple storage spaces of Windows 10. The simple storage spaces of Windows 10 do not have security features [...]

Coffee machine controlled by Commodore 64, Saeco, espresso, user port, optocoupler relay

Coffee machine controlled by the Commodore 64

Today I want to offer you a coffee ... made by the Commodore 64! Here, in fact, is the coffee machine controlled by the Commodore 64! 35 years after Andrea De Prisco's Commocoffee 64 project, here is another version of the project. There are, […]

Commodore 64 user port, connections, pinout, pinout, interfaces, cable, connector

How to control the Commodore 64 User Port

I have always found it interesting to consider the computer not only as an independent entity, but also able to control other equipment. It is possible to control the Commodore 64 User Port for this purpose: that is, to integrate the computer with the surrounding environment. I had […]

Spazi di Archiviazione, Windows 10, mirroring sicurezza ridondanza dati, pool archiviazione, protezione in caso di errori dell'unità

Windows 10 Storage Spaces, mirroring to protect data

I was looking for a more practical and cost-effective alternative to protect data in case of hard drive failures, compared to a RAID controller. I came across the Windows 10 Storage Spaces, in 2-way mirroring configuration. This feature of [...]

Riapertura automatica applicazioni all'avvio di Windows 10, riavvio programmi, esplora file, posta elettronica, internet, Edge

Automatically reopening applications when Windows 10 starts

When you shut down Windows 10 by keeping some applications open, without closing them manually, the operating system can be configured to restart applications the next time you turn on your computer. It is also possible the opposite setting: that is, to deactivate the automatic reopening [...]

Was it better in the 80s or today? Here are the results of the survey!

Was it better in the 80s or today?

I often talk to people, who say that it was better before, than today. Was it better in the 80s or today? This is the survey I posted on many Facebook groups of retro computer, Commodore [...]

Wise Registry Cleaner, Windows 10 registry cleaning scan optimization, defragmentation redundant elements

Windows 10 Registry Cleaning and Optimization

Cleaning and optimizing the Windows 10 registry is not an operation to be performed every day. Rather, after uninstalling applications, or after a few months of using the computer, traces can accumulate inside the registry, which is [...]

Commodore 64 and home automation, load control, Home Control, home automation system

Commodore 64 and home automation: load control

Here is the second video related to the Commodore 64 and home automation. The topic covered is the control of loads: the function of the home automation system that is used to measure the consumption of the home. I had already shown, in the first video related to home automation, how [...]

Arrestare, spegnere velocemente Windows 10, pannello di controllo, regedit, ibernazione, arresto in corso, velocizzare l'arresto del sistema

Quickly shut down Windows 10

It can happen, on some computers, that the system takes a long time to shut down. In this article, I describe a couple of procedures to try to shut down Windows 10 quickly. It happened to me on a rather powerful workstation, with many [...]

Home automation with the Commodore 64, Control Casa, load control, light control, shutter control, sockets

Home automation with the Commodore 64

I am very passionate about technology, both modern and vintage. I asked myself: is it possible to control home automation with the Commodore 64? It took some work, but the experiment was successful! First step: connect the Commodore 64 [...]

Change WiFi modem Commodore 64, NodeMCU, ESP8266, 5V tolerant? No! 3.3V. Modification with diode on RX

Commodore 64 WiFi Modem Modification

I recently bought a WiFi modem on eBay and wrote an article on how to set it up and use it. And now, why this article? Is a modification to the Commodore 64 WiFi Modem really necessary? I was reminded [...]

Privacy Windows 10, delete PC usage traces with Wise Disk Cleaner, file usage history, Office, Word, Excel, cookies, browsing data, Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Explorer

Improve Privacy: delete traces of pc use

Why erase traces of PC use? The topic of Privacy is very controversial. Many feel the need not to make their actions public, but not for doing something wrong! Using the PC, you always leave a lot of [...]

1541 Speed ​​Test by Zibri, measure speed-rotation floppy disk drive Commodore 1541, RPM

Adjust the Commodore 1541 with Speed ​​Test by Zibri

In this video I explain how to measure and, if necessary, recalibrate the rotation speed of the Commodore 1541 floppy disk drive with Speed ​​Test by Zibri. After so many years, in fact, it is very likely that the disc rotates at a different speed [...]

Commodore Vs Modern PC, Performance Comparison, Acer Laptop

Commodore 64 Vs modern PC?

Commodore 64 Vs Modern PC? The question is this: how much better are modern computers, compared to the Commodore 64? Let's see it in this video. The answer is not so obvious, also because it is not possible to make completely homogeneous comparisons. [...]