PC Basic Course, command list list compendium commands instructions functions Basic V2 Commodore 64

Commodore 64 Basic V2 Command List

Here is the complete list of commands, functions and variables reserved for the Commodore 64's Basic V2, with a simple explanation. This is a simple compendium to remember all the commands, instructions and functions, when you already [...]

The Final Cartridge III Plus Commodore 64 expansion card

The Final Cartridge III+, replica assembling tutorial

In this video article we talk about how to build a replica of The Final Cartridge III+. Let's see how to get the printed circuit board of the interface on PCBWay, how to solder all the electronic components and how to program the EPROM through the cheap programmer TL866II Plus. [...]

Amiga 500 repair and test, the neverending story 2

Repair and Test of the Amiga 500: the never ending story! # 2

We reconstruct the corroded tracks of the printed circuit and solder the socket of the Paula CSG 8364R7 audio chip: here is the second installment of the never ending story of the Amiga 500 Repair and Test that I bought last year. In the previous video, I [...]

Penny Musical Record EaterSoung MusicalRape, Latest Retro Technology URRT

Penny Turntable: Let's See How It Works! The Latest Retro Technology Discovery

Welcome to the second episode of the column: “The Latest Discovery of Retro Technology”! We see the Penny record player internally, clean it and analyze how it works. Country of production: Italy.Manufacturer: MusicalNastro, MusicalSound.Model: Penny 222D.Years of production: 1975 – 1988.Operating voltages: 220 Volt […]

Atari 1050 floppy disk drive, transformer power supply repair

Atari 1050 floppy disk drive: power supply repair and test!

Let's repair the power supply of the Atari 1050 floppy disk drive, which, in the previous video, had blown the power! Even if it's just a transformer, the repair made me sweat! I recommend, always unplug when working on electrical circuits: [...]

Commodore Amiga 500 A500 purchase and repair of accessories

Purchase and Repair of the Amiga 500: the never-ending story! #1

Today I begin to tell you the never-ending story of the repair of the Amiga 500 that I bought last year and that I hoped to be able to use quickly! Purchase of the Amiga 500 I found an interesting advertisement on Facebook Marketplace. According to the seller, the computer was [...]

ZD 8915 Desoldering Tutorial ZD8915 Desoldering Station Desoldering Gun Desoldering Chip PCB Socket

ZD-8915 desoldering station: how to unsolder a socket

The repair of an Amiga 500 came in handy to make a tutorial on how to desolder a socket, from the PCB, with the ZD-8915 desoldering station. In the video, at 9:35, there is a tutorial on how to set up and use the station [...]

Vintage Atari 800XL computer, unboxing test and repair

Atari 800XL and Atari 1050 with shorted power supply!

I recently purchased an Atari 800XL, complete with Atari 1050 floppy disk drive. Here is the unboxing and first boot... with short circuit! Before turning on a computer that has not been used for years, remember to follow the steps in this video article. Advice […]

SVideo cable to improve the video quality of the Commodore 16, 64 and 128 on LCD TVs, component cover

S-Video cable to improve Commodore picture quality

In this video, we see how to improve the picture quality of the Commodore 64, 128 and Commodore 16 by using an S-Video cable instead of the Composite Video (CVBS) cable. If you connect your Commodore to a modern LCD TV, plasma [...]

Automatically turn off your PC Windows 10 set time set scheduled, time

Automatically shut down your PC at a scheduled time, Windows 10

It can happen that, sometimes, you forget the PC turned on and remain in operation throughout the night. In this article, we see how to automatically turn off the PC at a scheduled time, appropriately setting Windows 10. Let's also see how to avoid [...]

Telefunken Mignonette MF R210 tube radio, URRT, Column: The Latest Discovery of Retro Technology RetroTechnology, Amedeo Valoroso

Telefunken Mignonette MF R231 tube radio: inside and outside!

Welcome to the new section: "The Latest Rediscover of Retro Technology"! Today we talk about my latest purchase: a Telefunken Mignonette MF R231 tube radio. The Telefunken Mignonette MF tube radio dates back to 1955, 1956. The audio amplifier is with EL84 valve [...]

1541 Diagnostic Cartridge by Jani per Commodore 64 , allineamento drive, test, performance, alignment

1541 Diagnostic Cartridge by Jani – Video

Today we talk about the 1541 Diagnostic Cartridge by Jani. This interface contains a series of utilities to check your Commodore 1541 floppy disk drive (head alignment, rotation speed, etc…). We analyze both the hardware and the features of the 1541 Diagnostic [...]

OpenCBM XUM1541 CBMXfer installazione Windows 10 driver, X-Cable

OpenCBM, CBMXfer: how to install XUM1541 drivers on Windows 10

In this video tutorial, we see how to connect the XUM 1541 adapter to the PC and how to install the XUM1541 drivers on Windows 10. We also see how to install the various software used to transfer files: OpenCBM and CBM Transfer (written CBMXfer). [...]

Course to learn how to program in Basic Commodore 5, QB64 GWBASIC DOSBOX INT RND TIMER function, 16 64 128 C64 C16 Vic20 Vic-20 C128 Plus4

Course for Programming in Basic #5, Int Rnd Timer, Times Tables

Welcome to the fifth installment of the Basic Programming course. Today we see the RND function, which generates pseudo-random numbers, the INT function, which returns the integer part of a number and also the TIMER system variable. We implement the [...]

Assembly tutorial XUM1541 Commodore 1541 USB C64, cover, USB adapter interface IEC, OpenCBM, CBMXfer, CBM Transfer

Tutorial: how to build a XUM1541

I ordered an XUM1541 mounting kit on eBay. This interface allows you to connect the original Commodore 1541 drive (with IEC port) to the USB port of a Windows PC (also Windows 10). In this video tutorial, let's see how to build one [...]

Test Commodore 64 RAM with Kung Fu Flash 586220 4164, MT4264, HM4864P, M3764 diag

Commodore 64 RAM test with Kung Fu Flash

I bought on eBay some spare RAM memories for the Commodore 64 (biscuit version), from China, at low cost. Will they have worked? Do you have to pay attention to buying RAMs from China? Here are the results of the Commodore 64 RAM test! [...]

Basic language programming tutorial course Commodore, Commodore 16, Commodore 64, Commodore 128, Commodore PET, Commodore Plus4, Commodore Vic20, C16 C128 C64, IBM DOS MicroSoft GWBASIC, episode # 1

Basic language programming course, #1

Today special topic! The Basic language programming course begins! Today’s video is about creating a very simple program (the video is in Italian, but you can activate English subtitles). Let’s see how to type the program, how to view the […]

Video course on Commodore QB64 4 Basic language, DIM array vectors max min average value min max sequence of numbers

Videocourse on Basic Language, DIM arrays, #4

Welcome to the fourth installment of the video course on Basic language. Today we introduce vectors, also called arrays, which are data structures. We also see the concept of average, minimum and maximum value of a sequence of numbers. Not at least, […]

Open reel reel recorder connected to Commodore 64 MP32C64 C64, Philips N4504 Aristona EW5504, data cassette holder

Reel recorder connected to the Commodore 64

In this video, I saved and reloaded a Basic program on open reels, via a reel recorder connected to the Commodore 64. The hardware part The reel recorder of the experiment is an Aristona EW5504, equivalent to the Philips N4504. I have it [...]

PCB soldering tutorial, MP32C64 Commodore 64, tin PCB soldering iron

Tin Soldering Tutorial, Commodore MP32C64

In this tin soldering tutorial, we build an MP3 to C64. In practice, it allows you to load and record programs, games, using the Commodore datassette port. I take advantage of the assembly of this circuit to show you how the [...]

Build a Paddle for Arkanoid, Commodore 64, BASIC PEEK POKE joystick control port

Building a Paddle for Arkanoid, for the Commodore 64

In today's video tutorial, we see how to build a Paddle for Arkanoid, to be used with the Commodore 64. We only use a 9-pin D-Sub connector, a 470 KOhm potentiometer, and a microswitch. Regarding the aesthetic aspect, you will be able [...]

Programming tutorial in Basic QB64 Commodore fitness program

Basic, QB64 and Commodore # 3 programming tutorial

Welcome to the third round of the Basic programming tutorial. The Basic program we make today is a fitness training timer. To be notified when the fourth episode comes out, you can subscribe to the YouTube channel (and activate the bell [...]

ECU for Fiat X1 / 9 with Commodore 64, user port ignition starter, Bertone X19

ECU for Fiat X1/9 with Commodore 64

Have you ever thought about building a starter unit for your car with the Commodore 64? In this experiment, I built a ECU for the Fiat X1 / 9 with the Commodore 64! The Fiat Bertone X1 / 9 of the experiment is an example of the [...]