The Atari ST is a series of personal computers produced by Atari Corporation since 1985. It is based on the 16-bit Motorola 68000 processor, the same microprocessor as the Commodore Amiga series. In particular, the Atari 1040STf model that I have in my collection, was a later update of the Atari 1040ST, produced in 1986.

The Atari 1040STf, which I have in my collection, was given to me by a friend, a neighbor, as I well described in this video-article.
The retro computer that was given to me is complete with several accessories: the Atari SM124 black and white monitor, the mouse, the manuals and the Steinberg PRO-24 MIDI recording program.

The computer is missing a key. I purchased a keyboard to recover the missing key.

Technical characteristics of the Atari 1040STf
CPU: Motorola MC68000, 8 MHz

ROM: 192 KB
Software included in ROM: Atari TOS (The Operating System) + GEM (Graphics Environment Manager)
RAM: 1 MB, expandable up to 4 MB
Graphics: Glue + Video Shifter

Graphics mode: 320×200 (16 colors) up to 640×400 pixels (monochrome)
Audio: Yamaha YM-2149, 3 voices + 1 channel for noise
Keyboard: 94-key QWERTY, with arrows, numeric keypad and function keys

Expansion ports:

- 1 serial DB25 male, RS232C
- 1 parallel DB25 female, Centronics
- 1 external hard drive, DB19 female
- 1 external floppy disk drive, DIN 14-pole
- 1 audio/video DIN 13, RGB and composite video
- 1 x IEC power input
- 2 MIDI (in and out) DIN 5 poles, side
- 1 cartridge connector, 40-pole edge, side
- 2 mouse and joystick, DB9 male, bottom

Storage media: n. 1 internal floppy disk drive, 3.5", 720 KB (the computer also supports an external hard disk and an external floppy disk drive)

Emulating the Atari ST
It is possible to emulate the Atari ST, on a common Windows PC, via Hatari. In this way, you can try to start programs and games, as well as program the back computer, in a simple and convenient way... without even owning the Atari ST! Hatari comes without the original ROMs, which can be downloaded separately by searching for them on the internet.
Atari 1040STf Power Supply
The power supply of the vintage Atari 1040STf computer is internal. There is a rear male IEC connector for the power cable. My example is powered by 220 – 240 V, 50 Hz alternating current, and absorbs 120 W.
The Atari SM 124 is powered separately, again at 220 V in 50 Hz alternating current and draws 66 W.
Atari ST boot screen
The Atari 1040 STF has a proper windowed operating system. The screen depends on the type of monitor connected and the resolution. Here is the Atari ST Boot screen in color.

If the Atari 1040STF is connected to the Atari SM124 black-and-white monitor, the boot screen is as follows (after requesting version information).

- Atari ST owner's manual
- Atari 1040ST 1040STf schematics
- Atari SM124 owner's manual
- Atari SM124 service manual