Retro Gaming with Amiga Vault

In my blog and in my social channels @ValorosoIT, I explore the world of vintage computers with curiosity and passion. Today I want to talk about Amiga Vault, an exclusive service created by Fabry and designed for Commodore Amiga enthusiasts. Amiga Vault is a complete repository of retro games, demos and applications in Whdload format.

Subscribe my YouTube channel ValorosoIT. Retro technology, vintage audio, retro computers, experiments and tests. Retroprogramming, Basic. Commodore, IBM, Atari, Apple, Texas Instruments, Amstrad, MSX.

Retro gaming enthusiasts can now find perfectly ordered games, demos and applications that can be easily loaded directly onto the Amiga, THEA500 Mini, any PC (with WinUAE emulator) and Raspberry system that supports Amiga emulation.

Retro gaming, Commodore Amiga, Turrican II, Amiga Vault, adventure, shooter, vintage video game collection, amiga romset, Amiga ROM collection, Amiga games collection

Amiga Vault is available in three versions: Essential, Elite Standard and Elite Premium. Only the Essential version is free, while the two Elite versions require a contribution.

In the Essential version, various packages and updates are available containing games, demos and applications. A GDrive link is provided to download the full package. The paid versions include several games, demos and extra applications, as well as more efficient download methods.

What makes the Amiga Vault Elite special

  • 2TB of cloud space with 100GB of dynamic content that is constantly updated.
  • Two options: Elite Standard and Elite Premium to suit your needs.
  • Quick and easy downloads, to keep the collection always up to date.
  • Collections enriched with over 500 elements, including games, demos and software.

The contribution requested is used to support the growth of the Amiga Vault project. It ensures the long-term sustainability of the project by helping developers cover operational expenses, as well as cloud and infrastructure management.

Retro gaming, Amiga Vault, Commodore Amiga Workbench, Kickstart, windowed operating system, game selection, retro gaming collection

Features of the Amiga Vault collections

The collections, standardized in Whdload format, are portable and preconfigured for easy and immediate loading. The collections are catalogued and sorted, for intuitive navigation.

Currently available versions:

  • AMIGAOS: ready (apart from the Kickstarts), for Amiga hardware and emulators (HDF format, single file).
  • COMMON: for the most geeks, compatible with all Amiga systems/emulators/frontends, but requires configuration (LHA format, multiple files).
  • THEA500 Mini: Ready to use for the console (LHA format, multiple files).

In development:

  • FPGAs: For MIST, MISTer, and other devices that are compatible with the MiniMig core (HDF format, multiple files).
  • FRONTEND: compatible with Batocera, Launchbox and Retroarch (LHA format, multiple files).
  • GOTEK: Ideal for floppy emulation devices (ADF format, multiple files).
Retro gaming, Commodore Amiga, ACE Battle Over the Sea, Amiga Vault, airplanes video game, aircraft battle, amiga romset, Amiga ROM collection, Amiga games collection

Kickstart, Workbench and Whdload: what are they?


Follow me on Instagram channel. Retro technology, Commodore, vintage audio, retro computers, experiments and tests. Retroprogramming, Basic. Commodore, IBM, Atari, Apple, Texas Instruments, Amstrad, MSX.

The Kickstart is the firmware of Amiga computers, responsible for initializing the hardware and loading the operating system. It contains the basic drivers and libraries necessary for the operation of the Workbench, as well as Amiga games and applications.


The Workbench, part of the AmigaOS, is the graphical user interface of the Amiga operating system, providing a windowed desktop environment, similar to that of modern operating systems. It allows you to manage files and click with the mouse to run programs and games.


Whdload is a software that allows you to run Amiga games and applications directly from hard disks, without the need to use the original floppy disks. Thanks to Whdload, you can launch compatible titles quickly and efficiently.

After loading an Amiga Vault game with Whdload, to return to the Workbench and choose the other games you have to press F10.

Retro gaming, Commodore Amiga, Lotus III, Amiga Vault, vintage video game collection, car racing, amiga romset, Amiga ROM collection, Amiga games collection

Kickstart ROMs and their legality

The Kickstart ROMs are not freely downloadable as they are still covered by copyright. For this reason, the Amiga Vault comes without a Kickstart ROM. Users must purchase the original ROMs from the rights holders. One solution is to purchase Cloanto's Amiga Forever package, which provides the official Kickstart ROMs for use with Amiga emulators and hardware.

To know more

Here are some links to learn more about Amiga Vault. To join the Project group, you must request approval. I recommend, when you are asked the question "Where did you know about Amiga Vault", answer "Through ValorosoIT!".

Facebook Community group, to have a chat:

Facebook Project group for those interested in the project:

Facebook page:

Within the groups, you will also find posts with instructions for downloading Amiga Vault and for installation.

Telegram Groups:

Essential Info + Support (International):
Essential Access (International):
Essential Info + Support (Italian):
Essential Access (Italian):
Elite Access (International):
Elite Access (Italian):

YouTube videos:

Elite Promo (International):
Elite Promo (Italian):

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Subscribe my YouTube channel ValorosoIT. Retro technology, vintage audio, retro computers, experiments and tests. Retroprogramming, Basic. Commodore, IBM, Atari, Apple, Texas Instruments, Amstrad, MSX.

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