Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the PF magazine – Drilling and Foundations, 2014, issue 4. Interview published on PF – Perforazioni e Fondazioni magazine, year 2014, issue 4. Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the magazine Costruzioni, year 2014, issue 9. Interview published on Costruzioni magazine, year 2014, issue 9. Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the PF magazine – Drilling and Foundations, 2012, issue 1. Interview published on PF – Perforazioni e Fondazioni magazine, year 2012, issue 1. Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the PF magazine – Drilling and Foundations, 2012, issue 2. Interview published on PF – Perforazioni e Fondazioni magazine, year 2012, issue 2. Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the PF magazine – Drilling and Foundations, 2014, issue 2. Interview published on PF – Perforazioni e Fondazioni magazine, year 2014, issue 2. Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the PF magazine – Drilling and Foundations, 2016, issue 3. Interview published on PF – Perforazioni e Fondazioni magazine, year 2016, issue 3. Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the magazine Obras Urbanas, year 2014, issue 43. Interview published on Obras Urbanas magazine, year 2014, issue 43. Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the PF magazine – Drilling and Foundations, 2013, issue 3. Interview published on PF – Perforazioni e Fondazioni magazine, year 2013, issue 3. Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the PF magazine – Drilling and Foundations, 2013, issue 2. Interview published on PF – Perforazioni e Fondazioni magazine, year 2013, issue 2. Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the magazine Macchine Edili, year 2013, issue 4. Interview published on Macchine Edili magazine, year 2013, issue 4. Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the magazine Il Nuovo Cantiere, year 2013, issue 3. Interview published on Il Nuovo Cantiere magazine, year 2013, issue 3. Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the PF magazine – Drilling and Foundations, 2012, issue 4. Interview published on PF – Perforazioni e Fondazioni magazine, year 2012, issue 4. Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the magazine Macchine Edili, year 2011, issue 10. Interview published on Macchine Edili magazine, year 2011, issue 10. Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the magazine Macchine Edili, year 2011, issue 9. Interview published on Macchine Edili magazine, year 2011, issue 9. Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the magazine PF – Perforations and Foundations, 2008, issue 4. Interview published on PF – Perforazioni e Fondazioni magazine, year 2008, issue 4. Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the magazine PF – Drilling and Foundations, 2008, issue 3. Interview published on PF – Perforazioni e Fondazioni magazine, year 2008, issue 3. Amedeo Valoroso: Article published in the magazine Elettronica Pratica, year 1993. Article published on Elettronica Pratica magazine, year 1993. Amedeo Valoroso: Article published on the website Nunchaku International Academy NIA CH (Marc Bremart), black belt, year 2019. Article published on Nunchaku International Academy NIA CH website (Marc Bremart), black belt, year 2019. Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the PF magazine – Drilling and Foundations, 2018, issue 2. Interview published on PF – Perforazioni e Fondazioni magazine, year 2018, issue 2. Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the magazine Perforare, year 2018, issue 3. Interview published on Perforare magazine, year 2018, issue 3. Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the magazine Perforare, year 2018, issue 2. Interview published on Perforare magazine, year 2018, issue 2. Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the magazine Perforare, year 2018, issue 1. Interview published on Perforare magazine, year 2018, issue 1. Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the PF magazine – Drilling and Foundations, 2017, issue 4. Interview published on PF – Perforazioni e Fondazioni magazine, year 2017, issue 4. Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the PF magazine – Drilling and Foundations, 2017, issue 3. Interview published on PF – Perforazioni e Fondazioni magazine, year 2017, issue 3. Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the magazine OnSite Construction, year 2017, issue 6. Interview published on OnSite Construction magazine, year 2017, issue 6. Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the magazine Macchine Edili, year 2017, issue 5. Interview published on Macchine Edili magazine, year 2017, issue 5. Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the magazine Macchine Edili, year 2017, issue 4. Interview published on Macchine Edili magazine, year 2017, issue 4. Amedeo Valoroso: Interview published in the magazine Macchine Edili, year 2016, issue 4. Interview published on Macchine Edili magazine, year 2016, issue 4.