The Commodore 64G (also C64G, C=64G, C 64 G) is an 8-bit home computer produced by Commodore Business Machines since 1987. It is a particular version of the Commodore 64, intended for the German market. It should not be confused with the Commodore 64 ALDI, which was intended for a supermarket chain.

The Commodore 64G has the same shape as the first version of the Commodore 64, called breadbin. The case, however, is white, with a white keyboard. Contains the motherboard of the Commodore 64C.

This Commodore 64 entered the collection, along with a batch of other vintage material, in September 2021. They gave it to me in exchange for a repair. The gift was much appreciated!
Technical characteristics of the Commodore 64G
CPU: MOS 6510, 0.985 MHz (PAL version) or 1.023 MHz (NTSC version)
ROM: 20 KB

RAM: 64 KB
Graphics: MOS VIC-II
Text mode: 40×25 characters (PETSCII)
Graphics mode: 320×200 at 16 colors

Audio: MOS SID

Keyboard: 66-key QWERTY (white), with function keys
Software included in ROM:
- BASIC 2.0
- Machine Language Monitor
Expansion ports:

- 1 IEC Serial
- 1 User Port
- 1 Expansion port (for cartridges)
- 1 Audio/Video (CVBS and S-Video composite video)
- 1 Antenna (RF connection to TV)
- 1 Datassette port (cassette player)
- 2 Joystick Ports

It is possible to emulate the Commodore 64 on a common Windows PC, through the VICE e il CCS64. In this way, it is possible to try to start programs and games, as well as program the retro computer, in a simple and convenient way... without even owning the C64!
Commodore 64G Power Supply
The power supply of the Commodore 64 is external and has the following output voltages:
- 5V DC, 1.5A
- 9V alternating current, 1A

C64G boot screen
The boot screen of the vintage computer is blue, identical to that of the traditional Commodore 64. The image is available both at the Audio/Video output and RF Antenna (channel 36).

1. Commodore 64 manuale d’uso (ITA)
3. Commodore 64 service manual
4. Commodore 64 troubleshooting and repairing manual
5. Manuale di riparazione del Commodore 64 (ITA)
Hmmm … I’m sure someone has already pointed this out to you, but the Commodore 64G shipped with a green LED, not the traditional red LED. Yours must have been replaced at some point. It would be worth tracking down a green LED, so that it looks original again!
We were talking about this argument on a Facebook group. Somebody was thinking that there were several led colors, depending on the production lot. This is why I am not sure about the led color of my computer.